What game was she playing at?

Before I could question her, Arabella dug her ice claws into the wood and started hauling herself upward with her toned arms. She pressed outward with her feet to generate some purchase, but most of her ascent came from her arm muscles.

After a few shaky pulls, she settled into a rhythm and climbed. Fast.

Respect unfurled in my gut. Her strength was impressive.

I shook my head to clear my ridiculous thoughts. She’s just lighter as a woman. It’s easier for her to climb, nothing to get excited about.

Nodding at Orion to make sure he was good to go, I dug my finger-and-toe claws into the posts and hauled myself up. Fast as lightning, I climbed.

It helped that Arabella was in front of me.

My competitive spirit flared up, and I decided there was no way I was losing to a woman.

So I didn’t.

When I finally pulled myself onto the top of the post, I was covered in sweat and panting from exertion. My arms were limp, and there was a sharp burning sensation stabbing my gut.

I easily ignored my exhaustion.

Balancing on my haunches, I knelt on the wide, flat circle of the post and smiled. This competition was going to be easy.

I marveled at our surroundings. We were above the clouds.

If I reached my hand out, it felt like I could touch the dark-red eclipse.

It was like flying.

The angel competitors were sprawled on the tops of their posts with bored expressions as they watched competitors pull themselves up.

From what I could see, almost everyone had breached the cloud cover and was close to finishing. It definitely hadn’t been an hour.

“You good?” I called out to Orion, who was also squatting atop his post. He grinned back at me, and his brilliant smile was like a punch to the chest.

High above the world, he appeared more carefree than I’d seen him in years. The mischievous twinkle in his brown eyes was the same one that used to be ever present when we were teens.

He looked like he had before we’d learned the true extent of our abilities. Before we’d realized we couldn’t find our other Protector.

“I’m doing great, thanks for asking,” Arabella said with a huff as she pulled herself over the top of her post. She finished twenty seconds after me. I counted.

She sat down and kicked her feet back and forth over the edge of her post. Leaned forward over the edge like she was going to fall.

My stomach knotted.

“Lean back,” I ordered with a shaky growl.

Arabella made eye contact with me, then slowly leaned forward so her body was seconds away from tumbling off.

I saw red.

She laughed as she finally lay backward on her post. Feet still dangling off the edge just to taunt me.

Orion huffed with relief.

Hands shaking with the urge to strangle her, I could barely articulate, “Fuck you.”

Sun god forbid she not wind me up every chance she got.