Page 58 of Psycho Beasts

I blinked open my tired eyes at the imposing soldier that glared down at me. “What?”

Lightning cracked.

“Stop thinking. You need to relax. Your body is at its breaking point.”

I arched my eyebrow like Aran and drawled, “I’ll do whatever I want to do. But thanks for your input, sweet cheeks.”

Satisfaction coursed through me as his glowing purple eyes flashed with rage.

Maybe that was why Ascher and Cobra called me ridiculous names. It was exhilarating to piss Xerxes off.

Yes, I was aware I was unwell. No, I didn’t care.

Suddenly, Xerxes’s elegant fingers wrapped around my neck and pushed me flush against the hard marble.

I gasped with surprise.

Mr. Soft Omega was gone. The evil queen’s assassin glared down at me.

Xerxes’s callused thumb slowly traced down my neck, while his other hand roughly palmed my small breast.

My hips bucked as he pinched my nipples, and I moaned. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”

Perfect white teeth flashed in the darkness as Xerxes smirked down at me.

Thunder boomed as the sounds of pouring rain intensified.

“Taking what’s mine.”

Lightning flashed.

I bucked against him, hyperaware of my core grazing across his pant-covered leg. He pressed against me harder.

“I don’t give a fuck if you’re an alpha. I’m in charge.” Xerxes’s voice was a deep rasp, and his breath tickled my ears.

The small space closed in around us; there was nowhere to go.

His long blond hair was plastered against both of us.

The water pounded relentlessly.

“What are you talking about?” I asked breathlessly, as Xerxes tilted my chin back with his hand.

His lush lips trailed down my neck.

Then teeth scraped across the same path as he murmured against my flesh, “I showed you my nest.”

Xerxes bit down gently. Hard enough to claim, but not hard enough to break the skin.

His hands trailed across my nipples, down my sensitive stomach, and to rest against my core.

“So?” I whispered.

Were we living in alternate realities because it felt like I was missing something?

Also, why was I so turned on by this?

Xerxes’s hands splayed across my waist, and he lifted me higher against the wall so his teeth could trace across my nipples.