And I said nothing.
Chapter 5
Ever been run over by a supercar?
I had.
At least, that was what it fucking felt like.
I moaned like a dying animal as my heavy eyelids cracked open. My limbs burned as pain lit up my nerves like scrap-metal grenades.
Flickering green shadows taunted me, and a noxious odor itched my nose.
My mouth cracked with dried blood as I tried to gasp in more air but choked on a lungful of smoke.
A blurry, rotund body paced back and forth.
“Wakey, wakey,” Spike said with way too much glee.
My shoulder blades burned unbearably, and I moaned as I tried to lift my head.
A bloody beating flashed through my mind in broken fragments, like a dream that was just out of my reach.
The last thing I remembered was Spike stabbing me in the neck with his needle.
“Wake up now!” Spike alpha-barked.
A chorus of moans responded, and I struggled to lift my head. Gravity pulled it back down.
My vision blurred, and a warm liquid dripped down my face. Definitely blood.
The familiar throbbing pain in the front of the skull told me I was sporting two wicked black eyes.
Abruptly, the dark, flickering room was illuminated in a harsh white light. It took a second, but I finally focused on my surroundings.
I wished I hadn’t.
My stomach emptied bile down my chest. I heaved and coughed as I choked on it.
Throwing up while upright was fucking awful.
You know what else was awful? The remains of two alphas that were scattered around the floor like a messed-up science experiment.
The only things that kept me from hysteria were the four familiar bodies that swung beside me.
My men were okay.
I could not say the same for the other two alphas. The jerk who had mocked us was now disassembled into hundreds of pieces across the floor.
There was nothing left to identify him by.
Just an empty rope swinging across a mess of gore. Now I knew what the awful smell was.
Suddenly, I missed the creepy flickering light that had broken up the room’s darkness.