The closest solution I’d found to dealing with trauma was the pure elation of starting a new hobby project and not completing it.
Aran’s hoverchair slammed under the rope, into an unsuspecting beta.
Lights flashed, and people screamed as Aran launched out of her chair and tried to strangle the man.
“Shhhhh, shhhh,” I giggled as I shoved the pipe into her mouth and dragged her back into her chair. “It’s okay, sweetie. He didn’t mean to get in our way.” I patted her head as she settled back down.
The beta we’d just plowed over, and attempted to assassinate, gaped at us in outrage.
“Don’t be such a man about it.” I huffed over my shoulder as I pushed past him back onto the endless golden carpet.
Aran rolled her eyes. “Everyone is so sensitive these days. I only choked him a little. You just can’t do anything anymore. It’s ridiculous.”
I nodded in agreement. “I’m worried for the next generation. They’re too soft.”
Said generation (four girls ranging from twelve to eighteen years old) stared at us with concern as we attempted to race them down the carpet.
“You’re just afraid to lose to a woman in a hover chair!” Aran screamed as we sprinted past them in a blur of speed and agility.
Of course we won.
We were the best.
“Pussies!” I flipped them off as I came to a screeching halt in front of the golden doors of the venue.
Two Mafia betas stood in tailored suits and sunglasses, blocking the door with their muscles and glowing guns.
“Loyalty” was scrawled across both their foreheads.
I stated the obvious. “Tacky tattoo placement.”
The corner of one of their mouths twitched, and I took that as my signal to unload my grievances.
“What is with the endless carpet? Are you trying to kill us all from cardiac arrest before we arrive? Is that secretly the third trial?”
They didn’t respond, and Aran generously handed me the pipe for another long drag.
After a deep inhale, I got up into the face of one of the betas and blew out smoke slowly, enjoying how he tried not to cough.
It really was a very powerful show of dominance.
“Have you ever used that gun, buddy?”
His eyebrow twitched.
We both lunged for it at the same time, but before I could disarm him and shoot him in the face for refusing to answer me, large hands that smelled like chestnuts wrapped around my neck and dragged me away.
“Jax, Sadie, Cobra, Ascher, and Xerxes. We’re on the list. Also, we brought our family with us.” Jax growled.
The betas didn’t argue, just opened the doors for us.
“You better open that door for me, buddy,” I snarled at the beta I’d wrestled with.
“All right, you’ve officially lost your privileges,” Jax said as he pushed me into the venue. “You need to release the brothers now. You’re not acting well.”
Ascher grabbed the hoverchair.
Aran screamed, “I’m being kidnapped!”