I cracked the whip across his chest, rewarding his patience with our kitten.
He shuddered with pleasure.
I dragged my hand across Jax’s bicep as I stalked over to our woman.
He nodded at me, a smirk on his handsome lips as feelings of awe and gratitude flooded down a golden thread.
Emotions I’d never felt in my miserable life.
Standing in front of her luscious lips, I ignored the screams of the crowd as I focused on my redemption.
Tracing fingers across her lush ruby lips, I said, “I own you. Do you understand what I’m saying?”
I stared down at my kitten, begging her to comprehend what I meant.
It was impossible to put into words the all-consuming obsession I had with her. She was my everything, and I would raze the world for her.
I begged her to see that I was sorry for every time I lost my mind and made her angry, because no matter how much I wanted to be a gentleman for her and treat her right, I was still just a savage animal.
I wasn’t civil like other men. But that didn’t make what I felt any less real.
It only made it stronger.
More savage.
“You are mine, Sadie,” I snarled as I stared down at my redemption. Anger ignited in my soul at the thought of her caring about another man more than me.
“I don’t care what you tell other men.” I glanced down at Xerxes, whose dick was buried inside my cunt.
In the omega’s memories, I’d watched Sadie whisper, “I love you too,” back to him. It had shifted something inside me.
I didn’t want her to say those words to me.
No, I wanted her to say, You own me, Cobra, and I am fucking yours for all of eternity. That was what I wanted.
I whispered, “I don’t care if you tell them you love them. That doesn’t change that you were mine first.”
I dug my thumbnail into her bottom lip and wrenched her mouth open so I could see her pretty pink tongue. My tongue.
“Because, Kitten, what I feel for you is beyond love. Do you understand?”
You. Are. Mine.
I leaned closer as I promised her, “I fucking own your mind, body, and soul. Absolute ownership. You are my possession. My fucking everything.”
I. Am. Yours.
I begged her to see what I was saying with my eyes, as her pretty cunt and tight ass were fucked by my packmates.
“Do you understand what I am saying?”
Sadie’s ruby eyes widened as she stared up at me. Slowly, she nodded her pretty little head.
She mouthed, I love you too.
I’d been lying to myself; that was exactly what I needed to hear.
Something snapped inside me as I realized the implications of what she had just said to me. Kitten cares about me as much as I care for her.