Spike didn’t reply, just walked slowly back and forth in front of us like he was in zero rush. Blowing smoke in our faces and grinning.
My arms shook from the strain of hanging by my wrists.
Maybe this was the torture, they were just going to leave us suspended for days.
“What does the don look like?” Spike stopped pacing. “Just answer and you can leave.”
The silence in the room was deafening.
We all came to the same conclusion, because no one spoke.
The alpha literally had “Loyalty” tattooed across his forehead. How dumb did he think we were?
Spike shrugged nonchalantly and resumed pacing. “Just describe the don’s appearance. Then you’ll be let down from the ropes.”
He was trying to act casual, but the crazed look in his dark eyes was the same one the fae queen had had before she lit me on fire.
“Don’t answer,” I whispered to my men. Just in case they were complete dumbasses, which, from the behavior I’d seen, was a very real possibility.
Jax nodded at me, and the multitude of gold chains hanging from his braids tinkled softly.
“No shit,” Cobra snarled at the same time Ascher barked, “Worry about yourself, Princess.”
The annoying alpha from before shouted. “Holy fuck. Will you fuckers ever shut up?”
Spike chuckled and adjusted his meaty paw on the syringe. A glowing green substance sloshed back and forth.
A tension headache pounded through my skull.
The damn flickering light was not helping my mental health.
Spike smiled and showcased a whole lot of pink gums and, at the most, four yellow teeth.
I gagged.
His jowls quivered with excitement. “You see this little guy here?” He held up the colossal fucking needle.
I rolled my eyes.
Men were always so dramatic.
Copper flooded my mouth as I bit my tongue hard to stop myself from shouting at him to just stab us already.
I accessed the dark recess in my brain and was 0.1 seconds away from spitting my blood at him and infecting his body when I remembered that this was a voluntary test.
My gut told me Cobra’s terrifying snake father would not take kindly to me controlling his torturer.
I forcibly swallowed down my blood.
The don better initiate me just for my superb self-control.
Do you know how hard it is to not stop a torturer with a massive needle when you can?
Very fucking hard.
Mentally, I patted myself on the shoulder for being a bad bitch of poise and self-control.
Spike shook the needle. “This is a rare herbal poison mixed with an even rarer witch spell.”