Page 203 of Psycho Beasts

Xerxes pushed me forward aggressively, so I had to walk backward not to fall over.

Shifters walked around us and didn’t pay us any attention.

What kind of sick place was this realm, where a woman being yanked around by her hair didn’t even merit a second glance?

Xerxes walked me backward until I slammed against a pillar.

“Stop shoving me against things.” I kicked at his shins as hard as I could.

“I thought you didn’t want to commit to our pack?” Xerxes arched his eyebrows, purple eyes blazing. “Was I wrong?”

“That’s not exactly what happened.” I kicked harder, but he didn’t release me. His muscles didn’t budge, so I turned to the other men. “You’re seriously going to just stand there as he chokes me in public?”

I made my lower lip tremble and widened my eyes like I was sad.

Cobra sniffed the air and smirked down at me. “I’m tempted to touch your cunt to see if you’re as wet as you smell.”

Ugh. I rolled my eyes. “Why’re you actually a pervert?”

“Kitten, I’d fuck you right here in front of everyone, and I wouldn’t even blink. I’d take you so hard you screamed my name.”

I ignored the way my core heated at his words.

Cobra was a lost cause, so I turned away from him and focused on looking pitifully at Ascher and Jax.

Xerxes’s fingers tightened like he couldn’t help himself.

Ascher ran his tattooed fingers across his horns and sighed. “I’m sorry, Princess, but I have to agree with him. You were the one who said you wouldn’t join the pack. What’s your answer? Either you want us or you don’t.”

Of all the times for the men to decide for us to have this conversation.

Cobra inched closer and flicked his finger over my nipple, and I jackknifed my foot into his balls as hard as I could.

He smiled like I’d kissed him.

My breath caught as worry flashed through me when he leaned into my personal space. Was he really going to touch me in a public place?

Hundreds of shifters milled around us.

Jax pulled Cobra back and put him in a headlock. “Not in public.” He growled at him.

“Why not?” Cobra stared at me and licked his lips.

Xerxes’s fingers tightened until I could barely breathe. Was he trying to kill me or turn me on?

I couldn’t tell. And weirdly, I didn’t want to know.

“Jax, save me,” I said desperately as I clawed at Xerxes’s hand.

“Xerxes, let her go.” Jax reached forward and used his massive size to constrain both Ascher and Xerxes.

I sighed with relief as oxygen flooded back into my brain.

Ascher wrapped his arm around me in support, and I slapped him away.

He was still a traitor.

“Well, that was exhilarating.” Aran stood to the side, hunched over as she itched aggressively at her back.