Page 21 of Psycho Beasts

This was literally the worst-case scenario.

Also, who was named Spike unironically?

Not a good sign.

Chapter 4



“Don’t you dare touch Jax or Sadie with that needle. They’re not initiating. I forbid it!” Cobra hiss-yelled at Spike.

I gaped at Cobra’s sheer audacity.

What did he think I was, some type of wimp?

“You can’t forbid me from doing anything. Stab me, Spike!” I yelled with authority.

Jax rolled his eyes, and Xerxes sighed heavily.

Sadly, Spike did nothing.

He stood still as a statue and watched the seven of us sway back and forth. Our muscles strained, sweat dripping down our faces.

Spike flicked at the gigantic needle in his hands.

Instantly, I had regrets.

Realistically, as a woman with dignity, I couldn’t let Cobra hinder me from having experiences. However, was getting stabbed by a massive fucking needle an experience I really wanted?

Hard no.

Unfortunately, feminine pride required sacrifices.

Sometimes, you just had to do shit to prove a point. I didn’t make the rules.

Speaking of which, my arms were really burning, and I didn’t want to be rude, but so far all Spike was doing was torturing us with silence.

You’d think a Mafia torturer named Spike would be a little more fear inducing. Sweat dripped down my forehead, and even though my arms were in tremendous pain, I got sleepy in the silence.

Suddenly, Spike said in a deep voice, “This is the first trial to become an alpha of the Mafia. A ruler of Serpentine City.”

“Exhilarating,” I muttered sarcastically under my breath.

Cobra glared at me and Jax like he was trying to kill us both with his eyes.

I chuckled. The pain in my shoulder blades was making me delirious.

Spike sneered, spat on the ground, and pulled a thick cigar out of his pocket.

He balanced the terrifying needle between his fingers as he bent over and lit it with a glowing lighter.

He sighed and blew a thick cloud directly into my face.

I hated the smell of smoke; it reminded me of Dick’s beta scent.

Choking, I gagged and gasped for air like I was drowning. “That’s vile.”