“Oh, I don’t need reminding.” Cobra had snake eyes, and his shadow snakes writhed across his pale flesh.
The don waved his hand and kept speaking like he hadn’t just caused the entire table to seize with tension at the reminder of their pack status and my lack of inclusion.
“To complete the third trial, you must each capture someone on the city’s most-wanted list and present them at the Equinox Ball.”
“Dead or alive?” Xerxes asked.
The don’s voice hardened. “They must be brought in alive.”
The white snake that had been wrapped casually around his neck began to hiss and slither in a circle.
Any softness disappeared.
“But, after your impressive performances in the second trial, I thought I’d offer an olive branch of sorts. I know you are new to this realm and are not as familiar with the city. So I have come here to recommend that you focus on bringing in the independent Ortega brothers. There are five of them, one for each of you.”
He pulled an envelope with a red wax seal out of his suit pocket and placed it on the table.
“All the information about their illicit activities, and coordinates for their suspected locations, are in here.”
No one reached for the letter.
“A reminder that alphas are not given weapons or allowed to shift until after the trials. So you must use your other skills.”
He looked at me when he said “other skills,” and my chest clenched.
Did he know about my blood powers? Why was he looking at me?
Under the table, Aran grabbed my hand and squeezed it.
Both our hands trembled.
Shit. If Aran had also picked up on the don’s look, then maybe he did know?
A tension headache began to throb in the front of my skull.
The don dabbed his napkin across his lips and stood gracefully. “Thank you for hosting me. I am always here for you, if you need me.”
The don walked away but turned around as if he remembered something. “I will have formal wear sent to the house for the ball.” He paused.
My stomach dropped at his expression; it was the one every person made before they delivered awful news.
“The Equinox Ball is in two days. You only have tomorrow night to complete the trial. Do not fail.”
We had one day to complete the trial.
My stomach dropped.
Ascher swore.
Everyone at the table shifted uncomfortably as they realized how fucked we were.
The don paused as if he was struggling to find words.
Finally, he said quietly, “Be careful, my son. This realm is crueler than you can even imagine.”
With those uplifting words of encouragement, he left.
There was a long moment, then Jax warily picked up the envelope. He broke the seal and read the cursive script.