Something low in my stomach twisted.
My groin spasmed with a feverish intensity.
Mouth watering, I choked on spit.
I keeled over, hacking and coughing on air. A few moments later, after nearly dying from asphyxiation, I realized I had no idea what we were even talking about.
Also, I was slightly miffed because Xerxes hadn’t even offered to get me a glass of water after I’d hacked aggressively on his bed.
He didn’t move an inch, just kept standing with his legs spread aggressively and penis out.
A real power stance.
I rubbed my tired eyes with confusion and asked the important question. “What’s happening right now?”
At the sound of my voice, his eyes glowed brighter.
Xerxes commanded, “Look at my cock.”
For a long second, I squinted and purposefully stared at his face. Who asked someone to do…that?
Seemed a little presumptuous.
The snowbanks piled higher.
Logs popped.
Cinnamon spiked sweeter.
When it became clear that I was not going to look—I wanted to look super badly, but my pride wouldn’t let me give in to his command, and the longer we glared at each other, the more I refused to lose our staring contest—Xerxes reached out his hand toward the bed.
Before I realized his intention, long fingers lightly wrapped around my neck.
Thick calluses dragged across my sensitive skin, and shivers danced along my spine.
Xerxes squeezed lightly, eyes glowing brighter.
I licked my lips.
He groaned.
His callused thumb dragged reverently across my lips, and he whispered, “So pretty. This Cupid’s bow is going to be the death of me.”
My core spasmed.
Need swirled around me in a warm haze, and I sat frozen under his ministrations. Afraid if I moved or breathed, he would pull away and the spell would be broken.
He slowly pushed his thumb into my mouth.
Fuck. I’d been wrong.
His cinnamon wasn’t sweet; it was rich and spicy. Tongue tingling, I dragged it wantonly across his thumb, desperate for more.
My core fluttered and clenched as I lapped at his taste.
I needed to drag my tongue over every inch of his flawless skin. Needed to consume him.
Injected into my veins, it wouldn’t be enough.