Page 105 of Psycho Beasts

It didn’t matter that she moved unnaturally fast, as fast as Cobra and Jax when they sparred, if not faster.

She couldn’t touch me.

The song pounding through the gym switched to a faster beat, something more fevered and uncontrolled. A male screeched in cadence to slashing noises and screams.

Static in my brain pounded to the rhythm.

As my breath and heart rate slowed, my muscles twitched nimbly until I wasn’t reacting to punches.

I knew what Molly would do before she did it.

Future, present, and past melded into one.

A sensation of flying rushed through my veins, and euphoria burst across my brain.

Lightning in a bottle.

But some heights weren’t meant to be reached by mortals.

I screamed as the euphoria twisted into pain, and it shocked my cells, immobilizing my muscles.

Molly’s unrestrained blows were blasts of dynamite that cracked across my flesh and brought the agony to a fever pitch.

Her mouth formed an o of shock as I crumpled.

The world went dark.

Chapter 19



Far away, muffled voices spoke.

“What the fuck did you do to her? You’re gonna be fucking sorry you ever existed.” A snake hissed.

There were smacking sounds, skin against skin.

A wild animal growled loudly, the terrifying warning of an enraged predator.

“Calm down and relax,” Molly snapped. “Don’t act like you care. I’ve just met her, and it’s obvious how much you’ve hurt her.”

Shhhhhk. Blades had been drawn.

“You know nothing. She abandoned me. I mean, us,” a honeyed, accented voice whispered menacingly.

Molly laughed, a harsh, forced sound. “Moon goddess, you’re all dense.”

The animal growls stopped.

Another voice said, “We know.”

The hiss got louder. “Don’t try to fucking twist the situation. She’s fucking covered in bites because of you. You don’t know fuck all, and if she doesn’t wake up, I’m going to tear you limb from limb.”

There was the unmistakable sound of the safety clicking off a gun as Z said, “Back off! Step away from Molly, or you’re dead initiates.”

Surrounded by darkness, I could feel the tension and violence rolling across my skin.