Page 39 of The Baby Plan

“She is.”

“And I understand you went to visit Samson’s family at the weekend?”

“Yes, near Oxford.”

“So, quite the support network now, which is nice to see. It’s still very early days,” Yvonne continued, “but I’m very pleased with how things are panning out here. Alana’s a lucky little girl.”

“Thank you,” said Sophie and Samson together.

The visit finished with a tour of the house, and an agreement that Yvonne would come again in a month.

Sophie was glad when the social worker had gone. She’d been very pleasant, but some of her questions had been awkward to say the least, especially when she said Samson’s situation was difficult as he’d only known about Alana for such a short time. Sophie knew it was imperative no one find out that she was in exactly the same position herself. She couldn’t let anything weaken her claim to guardianship of Alana.

“Are you all right?” she asked Samson once she’d seen Yvonne drive off.

“Yeah,” he said. “How do you reckon that went?”

“Fine. I think she liked you,” Sophie teased. “She certainly seemed much more interested in talking to you than me.”

“That’s only because she’d already met you. She knows you’re not a complete imbecile.”

“Anyone who sees you and Alana together knows you’re a great dad.”

“Thank you. It’s a bit disconcerting knowing she’s checking if you’re safe to look after your baby.”

“It is,” agreed Sophie. “But she said she thought everything was good here.”

“What are your plans for the rest of the afternoon? Do you want to take Alana out somewhere to celebrate the visit going well?”

“Sure. Actually, it’s my twenty-eighth birthday today,” admitted Sophie.

Samson looked taken aback. “Your birthday? Why didn’t you say?”

She smiled. “I’m saying now!”

“But I haven’t even got you a card!”

“Don’t worry, I never make a big deal of my birthday.”

“Well, we are this year. Alana and I are taking you out for supper.”

“You don’t have to!” Sophie said quickly, though she so hoped Samson wouldn’t change his mind. She loved the idea of going to a restaurant to celebrate.

“Absolutely. I’ll book a table somewhere. Better make it early for Alana. Six thirty?”

“OK, thank you!”

“I’ll have Alana, you spend some time on yourself. Be ready to leave at six fifteen.”

“Brilliant!” Sophie said, excited at the thought of being treated.

She managed to get herself a last-minute appointment with a hairdresser close by. It was lovely to be heading out to do something for herself.

She returned at six, her hair trimmed and layered, her nails manicured, and with a new dress.

She called out “Hello?” and received a reply from Samson’s study. “I’ll be out in a bit!”

Sophie went into her bedroom to do her make-up and put on her new dress. It was much more feminine than her usual choice of outfit: a pink floral tea dress which she teamed with some white ballet slippers. The outfit had seemed like a good idea in the shop. She stared at herself judgementally in the mirror — did she look silly? Like she’d made too much of an effort? What if they were going to Pizza Hut? She’d feel ridiculous.