With an exhaled, “Oh my God, he’s here,” he attempted to take off, but was abruptly met with Colton’s attempted resistance.
Liam let me go and took his place, forcibly holding Luke back with a tight grip on either one of his biceps. Colton rapidly stepped aside as it was clear that he was only interfering with Liam’s brawn, and Liam looked Luke in the eye as they spoke to each other in quiet murmurs.
“Take a breath, Luke.”
“Do you fucking hear James up there?”
“I get that, man, I do, but—”
James began to scream again, and Luke’s face contorted as if he were in pain.
“If we’re not running up there to get him out, what the fuck else are we here for?!”
Colton ripped the headphone out of his right ear, holding it between his fingers as he told Luke quickly, “I’m all about busting in to fuck shit up, but he’s a cop. He’s probably strapped. You’re about to bring fists to a gunfight, and fists lose. We can go upstairs, but we have no idea where we’re going. It…” he hesitated, “it’d actually be better if he were looking for us and we could split up or something—if we could just get him down here, we…”
Before Colton could finish or Luke could speak further, my lungs had swollen to the point of pain on their own volition, and in an act of insanity to get the man away from James, I let it all out in a shrieked:
Everyone flinched.
James’ screaming stopped.
It was silent save for our loud exhales when Colton berated me in a hiss, “What. The fuck. Is wrong with you?!”
Liam let go of Luke, bringing his hands to his hair. “Jesus Christ, Cassandra.”
I retorted, “Colton said it—it’d be better if he’s looking for us rather than the other way around so we can split up and—”
“In a planned manner!” Colton whisper-yelled back. “With. Fucking. Communication! Not screaming like a goddamn banshee and leading him to us all in the place where he likes to eat his breakfast!”
James’ voice sounded once more, this time the words indistinguishable and muffled.
I seethed through my teeth, “Then. Fucking. Scatter.”
Colton had already begun to frantically search the area around him mid-way through my demand, quietly sliding drawers and opening cupboards before he whined:
“Why the fuck are there no knives in this kitchen?!”
Bending down to look underneath the sink, he grabbed a red aerosol canister, appraising it for the shortest moment, and footsteps creaked from above.
Liam’s breath shook. “Cassie, I need you out of here.”
Taking the container with him, Colton grabbed a handful of Luke’s sweatshirt, tugging him along as he ordered in a hushed tone, “Move—crouch.”
They tip-toed to the left, choosing appropriate shadowed areas to hide.
“I said no, Liam!” I whispered angrily. “I am not leaving here without getting Jay.”
There was no time to speak of, and the desperation in my tone could have been sensed by the deaf, but Liam still ensured to catch my eye. With so much to see within his dark gaze, the split second that we glanced at each other stretched on for what felt like far longer, and I could read him thoroughly. There was fear—naturally. Confusion, for the briefest moment. Attempted understanding, then. And, finally, begrudging acquiescence.
Liam squeezed his eyes together tightly and replied, “Fuck, okay—go.”
His head tipped where I had intended to walk in the first place, and I scurried with light steps to the living area on the right. Liam’s hands touched either of my shoulders as if he were shielding me, and when slow, careful footsteps walked down the staircase, our bodies shrank to the left, sinking into the wall.