Cassie 9:43 A.M.: Did you get a ticket when you got pulled over?
An ellipsis insinuating that he was typing appeared below my message immediately, and it was replaced with:
James 9:43 A.M.: No.
My fingers danced across the screen.
Cassie 9:44 A.M.: Good. Have a good day. x.
Zoey’s inquiries from before suddenly came forth in my mind, and with my phone still secured in my hand, I looked back to her and scoffed.
“Wait…were you asking me if I’m currently sexually active?”
Zoey shrugged. “Before you looked like someone kicked your puppy, I was—you good?”
“Fine,” I replied. “Was just expecting someone.”
“Baby?” she asked with a large smile, and I sucked on the inside of my cheek to withhold my smirk. Her green eyes glowed. “So, it’s a secret, then?”
Zoey chipperly replied, “I won’t make ya tell me, I won’t…wait, is it Garrett?”
I chortled at her reference to the bartender. “No, it’s not Garrett. The poor guy smiles at me one time, and you all think that he’s ready to jump my bones. I wasn’t into him anyway.”
She laughed. “Ah, you were into baby, instead?”
“Something like that,” I uttered.
My phone vibrated in my hand, and I looked to it to see the preview of his message:
A single thumbs up emoji.
I unlocked my phone once more to see our text message exchange, and once I truly took in his responses, I felt my insides twist because it just felt…off. I reminded myself that I really didn’t know his style of text communication. In fact, it seemed more likely for him to respond to a text message with a quickly returned phone call…and I assumed that this was the case because of how verbose the man is.
Therefore, he could simply be a bad texter.
I won’t lie, it was amusing to liken him to an older individual who didn’t understand how to appropriately respond to someone via text. Hilarious to place the future joke of me calling him a boomer in my back pocket. However, the more that I read over the messages, the more I felt an intuitive nervousness.
There was no text or call after he was sent on his way by the cop.
No returned x in his replies.
No further explanation.
Just blunt, to-the-point information.
And that was fine. That aside, the urge to confirm what I already knew was biting at my heels.
Cassie 9:46 A.M.: You’re leaving work around 5?
I followed it up quickly with:
Cassie 9:46 A.M.: Should I cook for you tonight, instead?
Cassie 9:47 A.M.: I hate to brag, but I’m great at following the instructions to boxed mac and cheese…and there’s a brand new box sitting in your pantry.
The ellipsis that I had anticipated was flashing the moment that I had sent the first message, and by the time the last was sent, his responses came through: