Page 91 of Shattered Veil

“You’re even prettier when I’m inside of you, though,” I unabashedly spoke my recollections of our actions aloud. “You’re so fuckin’ pretty when I’m inside of you.”

Cassie let out a giggle, and then simpered, “Filthy boy.”

Our soft laughter turned to hums of appreciation as she pressed her lips against mine. The audible smacks of our mouths, though rather quiet, rang in my ears and fueled the fire that was already raging for her. The moment our tongues touched, I was considering the amount of time we had until company was to arrive—debating telling her to lock the door that I had pointedly unlocked mere minutes ago—dreaming of reaching for her towel and letting it fall to the floor—perhaps carrying her back to bed or taking her right on the kitchen table.

None of that could happen, though, because someone was early.

The entrance swung open, my heart struck my sternum, Cassie let out a high pitch that was so unlike the one that I wished to be hearing, and Colton stood in the doorway. It was clear that he had witnessed Cassie rapidly pulling away from me, for his light eyes bounced between the two of us twice…but he was far less than taken aback. The door shut behind him, his expression maintained a casual flair, and he gave us both an uptick of his head.

“Hey.” Colton walked to the chair closest to him, which just so happened to be at the opposite head of the table from me. He glanced at Cassie. “You wanna get dressed, or…”

Naturally, she didn’t.

“What are you doing here so early?!” she whisper-hissed the chastise to Colton.

His brow pinched together as he sat. “Seriously?”


“Your brother,” Colton pointed at me, “fuckin’ bit my head off for being late yesterday. Now I’m early, and your girl’s yellin’ at me.”

“A half hour early,” she bit back.

“Y’all said—and I quote,” he held up fingers to use as quotation marks, “get here around ten. Door will be unlocked. Just let yourself in.” Colton’s hands fell back to the table. “Door was unlocked, guys. I’m early. Who gives a shit.”

“I give a shit—”

“Cassie, just go get dressed, please,” I begged as I rubbed at my eyes. Her response, which I knew would crack like a whip, wasn’t spoken. She wasn’t able to because the door was opening again. My hands dropped from my face, and before I could even see who else had arrived, I was grumbling, “For the love of God.”

It was Claire who was waltzing through the foyer first, holding a French press that was filled to the brim with coffee. She stopped so quickly at the scene before her that Luke had to balance on the balls of his feet to avoid running into her from behind, and she was forced to extend her arms to steady the liquid and prevent a spillage of massive proportion.

Luke murmured, “Jesus, Claire, careful,” as he grabbed her on either of her upper arms. “Could’ve burned yourse—”

He stopped when he followed her eyes to see Colton looking at them both, to Cassie, who was still standing only a step or two from me and clothed in only a towel, and to me—and I was positive that I looked as though I wished time could be reversed.

They both crossed the threshold, closed the door, and while Claire remained silent, glancing to me and Cassie with a narrowed gaze that made me squirm, Luke spoke to Colton in an altogether irritated tone:

“You’re early.”

Colton waved grandly at Luke while keeping his focus on me. “And he says it like it’s a bad thing. Do ya see what I’m talkin’ about? Do I have to be a fuckin’ pariah here?”

Luke let out a dramatic exhale, and Claire ignored Colton’s words, instead asking Cassie, “Why aren’t you dressed?”

“Well,” she crossed her arms, “you all know that I’m staying here. You all know that there’s only one bathroom in this place. And you all know that it’s right,” Cassie pointed behind herself, toward the bathroom door that was left ajar, “over there. We said ten o’clock. It is 9:30. I’m not ready yet! Sue me! Why is everyone barging in here so goddamn early?”

“I was trying to get in your good graces,” Colton quipped with a smile to all of us. His focus inevitably landed on Luke and stayed there. “How am I doin’?”

Luke walked to the table, choosing the chair directly to my right, and slumped down onto it as he replied, “It’s probably best if we don’t talk.”

Colton nodded as if it were the reaction that he was expecting while Claire continued to eye Cassie skeptically.

“I was anxious,” Claire remarked slowly in response to Cassie’s questioning of their arrival time. “Figured I’d come by and bring coffee while we wait…”

Claire moved to stand between Luke and Colton, set the stainless-steel contraption on the table before them all, and began to make her way to the kitchen to grab several mugs. As she reached into the appropriate cabinet, Colton asked her:

“Can you grab me one?”

Luke muttered, “Can’t you get your own?”