Page 3 of Rev

“Do you ever regret leaving?” he asks quietly.

I take a moment to think before answering. “Sometimes,” I admit. “But then I remember why we did. We wanted something better, something different, and that’s what we’ve built for ourselves.”

“Yeah, we have,” he says, a small smile playing on his lips. “But it’s still hard, isn’t it? Letting go completely.”

“It is,” I agree. “Maybe that’s part of the process. Maybe we never fully let go. Maybe we just learn to live with it.”

“I’ve walked away from many people and situations in my life,” Racer says as he stops beside me and places his hand on my shoulder in a show of support. “But I’ve found a family now, and as much as I miss certain things that I’ve left behind, I know it’s for the best. At least I’m still alive,” he tells me, and I want to delve deeper.

Racer has always been rather quiet and doesn’t talk much, especially about himself. I know he’s not reserved, because he enjoys partying with the rest of the lads, but there’s always been a part of him that he’s kept hidden. I can see it in his eyes.

“Aye,” I say then, “I’ve always felt guilty about the girl I left broken-hearted, but in moving on, we found where we belong.”

Hades nods. “You’re right. Have you thought about what you’ll do if you do see Harley again?”

I let out a heavy sigh. That question’s been weighing on me. “I have, but I don’t have any answers. I don’t even know if she wants to see me. But if she does…if there’s still something there… I’ll figure it out. One step at a time.”

“Good,” Hades says, clapping me on the back. “That’s all any of us can do.”

We stand there in silence for a while longer, lost in our own thoughts. The warehouse, once a place of secrets and danger, now feels like a place of reflection and possibility. The past moulded us into the people we are today, but it’s the choices we follow through on that shape our future.

Eventually, we make our way back to the entrance. The dim light of the setting sun casting long shadows across the floor. As we step outside, the cool evening air fills my lungs. It’s a reminder that the world is still turning, that life goes on.

“Hadrian,” Hades says, stopping me before we reach our car. “Whatever happens, just know I’m here for you. We’re in this together, no matter what.”

“Aye, we all are. Our brothers in the club are there for you too,” Racer adds with a nod.

I smile, grateful for their unwavering support. “Thanks, lads. That means a lot.”

Hades nods, his expression serious. “Don’t let your fears control you. You’re stronger than you think.”

As we drive away from the warehouse, I can’t help but feel a sense of anticipation. The future is uncertain, but for the first time in a long while, I feel ready to face it. Harley is out there somewhere, and whether she’s moved on or is still waiting, I know I need to see her, to find out where we stand.

The journey ahead won’t be easy, but with Hades by my side and the strength of our shared past, I know I can face whatever comes next. The road stretches out before us, a path filled with unknowns and possibilities. I have a sense of hope and a belief that maybe, just maybe, everything will be okay.



Sixteen Years Old

Most of my life has been spent learning about my Da’s business. My father isn’t a good man, but then again, nobody who lives around here is. South Shields is rough. The coastal town, close to Newcastle, in North East England has seen better days.

When you’re raised in a world that’s dangerous, you very quickly learn to grow a thick skin. Fear isn’t something I know much about. My father’s the head of one of the most notorious criminal organisations in the North East, perhaps even further afield, but I haven’t been far enough away from this shitty little town to find out. The only other place I’ve been to is Newcastle, which is the closest big city.

As the daughter of an infamous gangster, I’ve been taught to fight back if anybody threatens me. The thing of it is, though, I’ve never had to fight, because everyone is scared of my father. They call him Scarface, but all he is to me is Da. When my mother died, just after my twelfth birthday, I closed myself off to everyone around me except him. He was the only one who understood just how much pain I was in. I’m still in.

The organisation does illegal shit, but my father has always tried to keep me out of it. He told me he doesn’t want me growing up in this life, but there’s nowhere else for me to go. I’m definitely not going to some fucking boarding school.

I don’t do posh.

I stare out at the water, where the ocean and the River Tyne meet. The coastline is picturesque, and I feel a sense of freedom standing on the outside edge of the country like this. I know there are many more towns along the coast, but this one is my favourite because this is the place I call home.

I’ve often wondered what it would be like to move to another town or even in a city, but each time the thought pops into my head, I realise I would be walking away from my father if I left. He’s already suffered enough, losing the love of his life.

Most people who work for him see the cold-hearted bastard they believe him to be. But I see him in a different light. I’m not oblivious to who he is or what he does, but I still can’t see him as a monster. He’s done the best he can for me over the years, playing Mam and Da to a girl who wanted to hide away from the world.

“Ley!” My name being called means my time watching the water is over. “Ley!”