Page 6 of Rev

This is real fucking life. There are none of those happy ever afters here.

The first night we had dinner here keeps playing in my mind. Hunt treated us as if we were part of his family rather than his employees. We were joined by some of the other men that work for him, and they were all spoken to with respect, like they were related to him.

I’d heard rumours about how he ran his organisation, but I didn’t believe them until that night. That was almost a week ago, and now we’re part of the team.

We’ve got some free time this afternoon, and when I enter the kitchen, it smells like freshly brewed coffee and bacon, a scent that’s both comforting and suffocating at the same time. I grab a mug and fill it before joining my brother in the lounge.

Hades is sprawled on a leather couch in front of the telly. He’s focused on a football game that looks like it’s going into extra time from the score. There’s a foul on a player, and Hades is quick to curse at the offender.

When it’s just the two of us, my brother can be loud and fuckin’ annoying. But when he’s working, he’s always been the silent, dangerous one. The one who hits first and asks questions later. He’s used his fists to settle arguments more times than I can count.

I’m the opposite. I’m calm, steady, and often the voice of reason. I’ve been burdened with a sense of duty that I’ve learnt, over the years, borders on self-destructive.

Hades glances away from the screen, his dark eyes narrowing as he studies me. “You look like shite, bro. What’s going on?”

I sigh, running a hand through my hair as I settle on the couch beside him. “I don’t know. I shouldn’t be thinking about that wee lass who’s off limits, but fuck…” I let my frustration hang in the air between us, then continue, “It’s complicated.”

“Everything with you is complicated,” he retorts, watching me with a sly grin on his face. “Spill it. The truth is, you want to be her first, and you know Hunt will kill us both if you go near his precious princess.”

I hesitate, the words sticking in my throat. Hades and I have no secrets between us. It’s been like that all our lives. It doesn’t matter that we’re twins. That has nothing to do with it. This goes much deeper. We both promised that we’d never take shite for granted and always be honest with each other.

The problem with secrets is that they tend to reveal themselves in the end. We both learnt from our father that honesty is always best, even if it hurts.

I take a deep breath and plunge in. “I can’t stop thinking about her. It’s pissing me off because she’s too young for me.”

Hades raises an eyebrow. “Aye, she is, but if you have feelings for her, it’s going to be hard to ignore them.”

“Aye, I know, but I’m not going to turn into one of those fucking arseholes we grew up around. They didn’t give a shite about girls being too young, but I do. She’s still at school, and I’m not fucking up her life by making a move and confusing her,” I admit, feeling a pang of guilt.

“It’s clear she’s got something burning for you, too,” he says, leaning forwards, suddenly all ears. “Perhaps she needs a friend. Someone who understands this life she’s growing up in. Who knows, in a couple of years when she’s eighteen, maybe things could change between the two of you.”

“Maybe you’re right,” I say, sounding less guilt-ridden and a lot calmer. “I can offer her friendship. I can’t deny she’s pretty, though, and that’s what’s fucking with me.”

Hades chuckles, shaking his head. “Well, don’t think about that. When she’s around, talk to her. Ask her about school and shite like that. But don’t be tempted to go kissin’ the lassie, because that will mess with your moral compass even more.”

“Tell me something I don’t know,” I mutter, slumping in my seat.

Hades sighs, his expression softening. “Look, Hadrian, I get it. She’s pretty and smart, and she’s ace because she understands our life. She’s off limits as a girlfriend, but there’s nothing wrong with being friends with her, mate.”

“I feel like a fuckin’ knob,” I bite out as frustration takes a hold of me. I sip my coffee, and I can feel Hades chuckling beside me. “What?”

“I don’t know, Hadrian. I haven’t seen you like this before.”

“Don’t you think I know that?” I snap, immediately regretting my tone. “I’m fully aware of how I’m acting. I’m a mess, and it’s only been a few days since I first met her.”

Hades watches me for a moment, his eyes thoughtful. “Like I said, focus on the job, and when you do see her, just act natural. Don’t be givin’ off the vibe you’re into her more than you can offer.”

“I’m not fuckin’ stupid,” I bite out as I look over at my brother. “I’m going to make sure I keep my distance.”

Hades nods, but he’s still smiling.

“It’s not funny.”

“Aye, it fuckin’ is, Hadrian.”

He pushes to his feet and makes his way to the kitchen, where I can hear him making more coffee. I’m not scared of my feelings for Harley, but I know I need to do something about the tension between us. It’s been palpable these past few days.

When Hades flops back down on the couch next to me, he focuses on the match that’s gone to penalties. Later today, we’ll be collecting money from a few of the pundits who bet on the semi-final and haven’t paid up. They owe Hunt thousands of pounds, and he’ll want it all.