Page 9 of Hunter


Sophie and I creep back around the house, careful not to make any noise. The oppressive silence of the night surrounds us as we approach the window again. I peer inside, seeing Nick’s shadow moving around in the living room, while I visually scout the kitchen’s interior, spotting not just the whiskey and gun that she mentioned — a pistol, disassembled on the small kitchen table, sitting on a towel, with cleaning tools sitting around it — but at least two large, mean-looking knives on the table as well.

“Why didn’t you mention the knives?”

Sophie shrugs. “Knives belong in kitchens, that’s sort of their point, and you asked if I saw anything off, which I don’t consider knives in kitchens to be off. Are you going to lecture me again?”

My voice rises, but I can’t help it. Why did I bring Sophie along? “Kitchen knives in a kitchen would be normal, but those knives on his table are knives for killing people.”

She reaches behind her back and takes out something that looks a lot like the knives I saw on Nick’s kitchen table, only a little smaller. With a flick of her wrist, she opens it, revealing a long, nasty-looking blade. “I have one and I haven’t killed anyone… that you know about.” She winks. “Just kidding about that. No one that I’ve stabbed has died.”

Oh yeah, this is why. Because, when it comes to getting into, and out of, crazy situations, Sophie is the best.

“Fair point,” I say.

I’m about to say more, but suddenly, the back door leading from the kitchen flies open and Nick steps out onto the back porch. His eyes bore right into mine, freezing me in place.

Though, even if his eyes weren’t petrifying me, the gun in his hand would.

His voice is dark, cold, and sends such a shiver down my spine that I want to throw up from the intensity.

“You ladies sure make a lot of noise.” His eyes land on me, and he points the gun right at my chest. “You’re shivering. You must be cold. Why don’t you both come on inside and finish your conversation?”

Chapter Six


“Sit,” I say as I gather the tools off the kitchen table and then gesture at the two chairs. I leave the whiskey out; after the night I’ve had, I need it. First, with everything happening with Charlie and him being sick and cranky I feel like I’m losing my mind from both worry and lack o sleep, and second, after all that shit that happened in the drugstore and probably looking like a prime creep to the cute cashier, Emily, and now, finding her and someone else snooping… Something strange is definitely happening tonight, and I can’t take any chances.

“Please don’t kill me,” Emily says.

“Don’t kill me either, but you can get a little rough, if you want to,” says her friend with a wink. “I can take it.”

She’s too confident by far, so I point the gun at her and cock the hammer. “You sure about that?”

Her pupils dilate, and her mouth opens slightly, revealing a pierced tongue. “Want to try me?”

This one is too freaky for her own good. I won’t get any answers from her; the only thing I’d get is encouragement to interrogate her harder, probably with the word ‘daddy’ thrown in there.

“I don’t have time for this shit,” I say. And I don’t. There’s a finally sleeping infant in the other room — a feat that took a fuck ton of rocking and singing a lullaby, which in and of itself was a fucking strange experience — and I was looking forward to relaxing. “The last thing I want is to deal with you two and whoever the fuck you’re working for. No, I was supposed to have an hour or two of peace, so I could fucking drink my whiskey, clean my guns, and just relax.”

“That’s how you relax? Hot,” the tongue-pierced one says. There’s a flush on her chest. “Tell me more.”

“Sophie, shut up,” Emily hisses.

“Yes, Sophie, shut up,” I say. I grab a dish towel and a roll of duct tape. I shove the towel in Sophie’s mouth and use the duct tape to secure it in place, and then use some more to bind her to the chair.

She makes a sensual noise that sounds like an aroused goat.

“Sophie, are you moaning right now?” Emily says. There’s a blush on her cheeks.

Sophie nods, remorseless. Then moans again.

I look at Emily. “We’re going to the living room. You make any sudden moves, and I will shoot you and your friend.”

The gagged girl moans again, and her legs open slightly. In all my time fighting insurgents and terrorists in the military, in my time riding nomad and dealing with the criminal underworld, I have never, ever, seen anyone so horny to die.

Emily leaves her chair and hurries into the living room. She takes a seat on the dusty sofa. “I’ll be good,” she says. The comment may be directed at me, but her eyes and focus are clearly on Charlie.