Page 24 of Hunter

“What do you mean?”

“Dads are all polo shirts and khaki shorts and golf on the weekend, if they're lucky. Hunter is... Oof. Oh my,” she says, closing her eyes and tilting her head back. “Yes, he’s a daddy.”


“Sorry, I got thinking about him and what he probably gets up to on his own and there were definite dewdrops down there.”

I cringe. “Gross.”

“I'll bet he's shot someone,” she says.

“Maybe. Probably.” After a moment’s thought, I add, “Definitely.”

“That's hot.”

“Can we get back on topic?”

“To your jealousy of my entirely fictional relationship with that murderous hunk of man meat on a motorcycle?”


“So you are jealous?”

“Yes. Damn it.”

“Well, if he's the dangerous type — and we both know he is to the sploosh degree - then maybe you need to be a little more dangerous, too, in order to get his attention.”

“Maybe... But what can I do?”

She shrugs. “You’re my best friend and I love you, but I can’t help you with that right now. I think we need to stay focused on what our mission is, which is to make sure Charlie gets his doctor stuff taken care of. We can take about turning you into a rebel later.”

“True. We have a responsibility right now,” I say, feeling like the least rebellious person ever. “But later, maybe you and I can go visit Harper at work and we can brainstorm some ideas about what I can do? I really would like to spice things up a little.”

For nearly ten seconds, Sophie stares at me with a befuddled look on her face. “You want to schedule a meeting to discuss plans and ideas about how you can be more rebellious?”

I nod. “Yes. I’ll even buy you a drink for your help.”


Rachel’s voice comes from behind her desk. “Have you two finished those papers? Dr. Sartani is free to see you now.”

Sophie, Charlie, and I go to the front of the room and I hand over the papers. Rachel scans them slowly, a steep furrow in her brow.

“It says here that the child’s father is an ‘anonymous and dangerous drifter.’ Is that correct?” She says.

“Yes. I never caught his name, just his eye and his potent sperm,” Sophie says. “But Emily didn’t fill out the form totally correct. She was supposed to put that he was hot, too.”

“A hot, anonymous, and dangerous homeless man impregnated you?” Rachel says, keyboard keys clacking.

“Yes. We connected, we shacked up for a weekend, and then Charlie happened nine months later.”

“Do you make it a habit to have anonymous sex with drifters?” Rachel says.

“Why? Do I look like I do?”

“Yes,” Rachel says, fingers still clicking away at the keyboard so quickly it sounds like she’s writing an entire novel. “You know, we can also do an STI test for you once the doctor’s done with Charlie. Are you interested?”

Sophie doesn’t hesitate. “Yes. It’s been a while and, as a responsible parent, I should get that checked out. Thank you, Rachel. I will gladly get myself checked out.”