Page 10 of Hunter

I step into her line of sight, blocking her view of him. “I’m going to ask you some questions, and you are going to answer them. If I think you’re lying, there will be consequences. If you make too much noise and wake him up from his name, I will do things to you that your friend in the kitchen would find deeply erotic.”

Color blooms across her face.

“I’ll be honest. And quiet.”

“Where’s your boss? Is he here?”

“I don’t know who you are talking about. My boss from the pharmacy?”

“Don’t bullshit me. I know who you’re working for. How are you to contact him? Do you have a phone number for him?” It’s probably a burner. I doubt Victor’s that stupid, but he may be overconfident, and overconfident men make mistakes, like giving their real contact information to stunning young women.

“Nick — if that even is your real name — I don’t know who you are talking about.”

“Then who are you working for?”

“I work for Ironwood Falls Meds & More. I guess you could say my boss is Carl, since he owns the drugstore. Or Maggie, since she’s the actual pharmacist and I’m just her assistant.”

I blink, pause. It’s hard to tell if she’s telling the truth; the wide-eyed, scared, and innocent look could all be an act. It isn’t beyond Moretti to have the resources to hire someone good enough to pull it off. Plus, there’s the fact that she found me. “So you aren’t working for the Reapers?”

“No. I don’t know who that is. I work for my paycheck and because my job gives me credit toward my college coursework and spare time to finish my papers when it’s quiet.”

I take a long drink of whiskey. “College coursework?”

“Yes. Because I’m in school to get my doctorate in pharmacy.”

Another long drink. This is not how I wanted to spend my Friday night, trying to decide if the beautiful young woman with nice handful-sized tits, wide eyes, and a mouth that looks like it’s made for smiling, laughing, and sucking my cock is lying to me. “Fuck, did I just kidnap two college students?”

Fuck, again. I didn’t mean to say that shit out loud. I need a lot more whiskey and some fucking sleep. I’m losing my damn mind.

“No,” she says. “Just one. Sophie graduated a few years ago and now she works at Buzz on In. It’s a coffee shop.”

“That deviant is a barista?”

“She got her degree in Sociology and a minor in interpretive dance,” she says, as if that explains everything. Which it does. “But, mainly, she got those degrees because she was sleeping with those professors at the time. She’s fun. When she isn’t, uh, being extra.”

“Extra? Extra what?”

She blinks, smiles at me. If it didn’t seem beneath her, I’d almost think she there was condescension in that smile. “You’re a little older, huh?”

“Early thirties.”

“That explains it.”

“Explains what?” Don’t say it. Don’t fucking say it. “That I’m too old to get it?”

Fuck, I said it.

“Maybe,” she pauses, smiles, looks at me, like she’s doing everything in her power to see me, without seeing the weapon in my hands. “It just means she’s being excessive.”

“And there are times she isn’t?”

“She has to sleep sometimes, I suppose. And, when she’s smoked some pot, she’s pretty chill.”

I shake my head. Why do I even care about what’s going on in this not-that-younger-than-me woman’s life? I drink some more whiskey.

“How did you two find me?”

“I took a picture of your truck and texted it to my friends to have them help look for you.”