Page 44 of Smokey

She laughs. “I hate you, Dixon. Let’s get the fuck out of here, so I don’t have to pretend to like you anymore.”

She storms ahead of me down the hallway. I follow, one eye peeled for any sign of danger, the other on her shapely ass. Alexandra throws open the doors at the end of the hall, passes through the lounge, and then we’re assailed by the loud sounds of the party in full swing — people laughing, drinking, flirting, shouting; in one section there’s a live band playing rock music; in another corner of this massive expanse of grass, brick patio, and a pool area, there’s two men engaged in an impromptu bareknuckle boxing match while a circle of people cheer like maniacs.

I hardly have time to take it all in when someone taps me on the shoulder. It’s one of Brock’s men — a tall, gangly, sunken-eyed bastard with a knife in a sheath around his waist and a gun hanging from a shoulder holster. Both knife and gun look well-used and well cared-for.

“He wants to see you.”

“Later,” I say. “Fucking makes me thirsty. So Destiny and I are going to grab a drink and enjoy the party before we talk business.”

I see out of the corner of my eye that Alexandra’s come closer to me, and there’s another one of Brock’s men at her side, too.

“Not later. Now.” The man’s hand hits my chest.

I look at him, force a smile, and carefully remove his hand from my chest.

“Listen, whatever business he has, it can wait for just one fucking minute while I get myself a drink.”

The hand returns to my chest with more force.

“He has questions. You’ll come with us and answer them, or else this night will go real fucking bad for you and your wife.”

My eyes go from him to the other guy looming over Alexandra. We have to get out of here. Whatever Jeremiah Brock has planned for the two of us, it sure as fuck isn’t good if he’s sent two armed men to retrieve us from the middle of the party. Our cover must be blown.

Which means it’s on me to get us out of here, because, as tough as she is, Alexandra’s going to be of no use in a fight like the one that’s about to happen.

My eyes widen as an idea hits me: Alexandra might have some use after all.

“Fine. We’ll come with you.” Then I reach toward Alexandra’s beautiful, repugnant face with all the speed of a kind lover’s touch, and swipe the cum off her cheek and onto my fingertip. “My love, I hope you’re ready to go.”

Her eyes widen. She knows.

But, before she can answer — because I really don’t give a shit what she has to say — I flick the cum right into the guard’s eyes. It nails him dead-center in his left eye, and both eyes slam shut as he reaches for them, shouting. “What the fuck did you throw into my eyes?”

“You know what that sticky shit is, bitch.”

“Cum? Is it cum? Oh, fuck.”

I throw a heavy right hand that staggers him into a crowd of people. Before the other one can react, I turn to attack him, but see Alexandra is already at it; she hits him with a picture-perfect right hand, then another, and an uppercut that snaps the man’s head.

Damn, she really knows how to throw a punch.

I join her, hitting the man with a left-right combination that stuns him. Then I reach out and snatch the gun from his shoulder holster. A sharp elbow to his solar plexus folds him in half, and I waste no time in cracking the butt of the gun over his skull.

He drops like a sack of bricks.

The commotion has drawn some attention, but the loud music and raucous festivities mask most of it. Still, I know we don't have long before someone realizes this isn't just another drunken brawl being won by a handsome, badass former Marine and a bitchy bartender with an amazing ass. Grabbing Alexandra by the arm, I pull her through the throng of partygoers toward the gate.

“Move, princess. There will be time later to tell me how fucking great I am later.”

“You just came in that other guy’s eye.”

“I had to disable him. Figure’d it be a good way to take him out.”

“Yeah, but your brain just went right for it. Like it isn’t the first time you’ve come in another guy’s eyes,” she says. Her voice drops low. “It isn’t the first time, is it?”

My reply comes out loud, way too loud. “I don’t go around just cumming in other guys’ eyes. That’s not what I do. It’s not some fucking hobby of mine. The situation here called for it, so that’s what I did.”

More than a few people give me side-eye. I hear one guy point me out to his buddy and say, “That dude came in the other guy’s face.”