Page 41 of F Is for Honey Bee

“No you did not just say that.” Paris narrowed his eyes. “I can carry heavy shit with the best of them, thank you very much. Alister is just as strong and willing. Right, Alister?” Paris looked at his bestie for confirmation.

“I think I broke a freaking nail,” Alister complained as he looked at his hand. “You’re paying for a manicure, Kijani.”

“I vote we make the food and drinks.” Jonah walked away from the truck. “Screw carrying boxes and furniture. I’m sweating my balls off out here.” He looked over his shoulder at Slater and smirked. “I’m gonna make yours real special since you’re such a strong man.”

Slater glanced worriedly at Kijani. “You don’t think he’d really mess with my food, do you?”

“After that misogynist comment, I’ll help them sabotage your sandwich.” Wyatt maneuvered his end of the couch through the door. “Hey, guys!” he hollered. “Make Slater’s sandwich with some extra love.”

“You got it,” Paris called from the kitchen.

“Already on it,” Jonah chimed in. “Do you want sardines or jelly on your turkey sandwich?”

“I was just joking!” Slater groaned as he and Wyatt set the couch down in the spacious living room. Then he took off toward the kitchen. “I’ll make my own food!”

Kijani chuckled, knowing full well they wouldn’t do anything to Slater’s sandwich. But Slater didn’t know that. Kijani walked into the kitchen and then frowned when he didn’t see any food. “What gives? Slater’s the one in trouble, not me.”

“I ordered three large pizzas half an hour ago,” Jonah said. “We were just messing with him.”

“I’m so happy the pizza place is finally back open for business.” Paris rubbed his flat stomach. “Ever since I spotted the restoration going on a month ago, I’ve been craving some like you wouldn’t believe.”

“I swear this town is out to make me fat.” Alister huffed as he settled against Wyatt, who was leaning against the counter. “There’re too many good places to eat.”

“I’ll work it off of you, butterfly.” Wyatt nuzzled his mate.

“Just make sure the lube hasn’t been baking in the sun,” Paris said. “I was sunbathing and decided to get frisky. I’ll leave it up to your imaginations where I poured that hot liquid.”

Every single guy in the room covered their groin and winced.

“I really wish you hadn’t told everyone in the room that story, foxy,” Cannon said.

“You told me that you burned yourself while you were—”

Paris shot to his friend and slapped a hand over Alister’s mouth. “Finish that sentence and I’ll blab about what you were doing a few years ago when you caught your manhood in a door.”

Alister’s eyes widened as he nodded. Paris’s hand dropped. “My lips are sealed,” Alister said.

“Now I want to know.” Jonah chuckled. “It can’t be as bad as when Kijani—”

Kijani covered Jonah’s mouth with his hand as he pulled his mate’s back to his chest. Kijani didn’t know what he was about to say but didn’t want to find out.

“I was just going to tell him about how you got stuck behind the wheel of my car while you were naked and had to wedge your way out,” Jonah mumbled from under Kijani’s hand.

Wyatt and Slater burst out laughing. Kijani grinned as he removed his hand. “I was really hoping I didn’t have to call the fire department to save me. Those ant-sized cars aren’t built for a guy my size.”

“For a moment I considered rubbing oil all over him to get him out.” Jonah chuckled. “I tried to yank him out, but he weighs a ton.”

Which only made Wyatt and Slater laugh harder.

“Next time he gets stuck, I want pictures.” Slater held his side as he continued to laugh. He wiped a tear from his eye. “I would’ve loved to see the look on the firemen’s faces when they showed up to extract your big ass from that tiny car.”

“Don’t forget naked.” Wyatt fell sideways into Slater.

“It’s not that damn funny,” Kijani grumbled.

They looked incredulously at him then hooted with laughter again.

Kijani groaned. He wasn’t going to live this down at the station.