“How bad is it?” Not a verbatim question to the one Jonah had asked the last time, but close.
Kijani sighed and rested his hands on Jonah’s hips. “It’s not bad, honey bee, but it is important.”
Okay. Not bad news. No bombs were going to drop into Jonah’s lap.
“You’re aware I’m a wolf.”
“Either that or a huge stuffed animal passed out on my floor.” Jonah’s laugh was strained.
“F is for funny.” Kijani grinned.
“If you start that again, I’ll torture you with my stinging bee puns,” Jonah warned.
Kijani’s grin fell. “That’s just…F is for fucked up.”
Jonah struggled not to crack up, pressing his lips together tightly. Kijani seemed to be doing the same. The battle was lost when they burst out laughing.
“What do you need to talk about?” Jonah played with the buttons on Kijani’s shirt, his smile lingering.
Jonah frowned. “Like a mate to a sock or wild animals having mates? Are you asking me to be friends?” He poked Kijani in the chest. “You can’t just throw a random word at me and expect me to understand what you’re talking about.”
“I’m talking about shifters having mates.”
Not supernatural, which would encompass more than shifters. Jonah hadn’t forgotten their conversation where Kijani had said “other” supernatural.
But Jonah could figure out what Kijani was saying in their current conversation. They were mates. What he remained in the dark about were the specifics, which he had a feeling would be another bomb in the lap.
“I can see in your eyes you figured it out.” Kijani’s fingers tightened against Jonah’s hips, like the guy would hold him down if he tried to get up.
“I need the specifics.” Jonah might faint, but he had no intention of running.
“Bonded for life. Age as slowly as I do. No diseases. Your happiness above all else. Faithful to each other. Protective—”
“Stop.” Jonah pressed his fingers against Kijani’s lips. “I wasn’t asking for a checklist. Let me think.”
Bonded for life? For. Life. Shit. Kijani was a great guy, but that was asking for one hell of a commitment when they’d only met a few days ago. Were they already committed?
Jonah felt like he should be, but it was “your happiness above all else” that had him even considering this.
That had never been a concern for either Arlo or Flint. Everything had always been about them, disregarding Jonah’s feelings for their own selfish needs.
But Kijani was different. He cared about Jonah’s feelings, made him laugh, and went out of his way to protect and comfort him. Kijani brought true happiness into his life.
“We’re mates no matter what?”
Kijani confirmed with a nod.
Jonah pulled his hand away from Kijani’s mouth. “Bonded for life.”
He was really stuck on that one.
“Soldering our souls brings everything else together.” Kijani stood, the expanse of his hand keeping Jonah against him. Then Jonah was gently lowered to his feet. “I just want you to think about it.”
“About what?” Jonah gaped at him. “I still haven’t been told the specifics.”
Kijani ticked the first thing off on his finger. “Bonded for life. Our souls seal together during sex. I have to bite you in order for my saliva to enter your blood stream.”