Gods above, can he not take a joke? In a way our marriage is nothing but the biggest joke of all, but I don’t say that to him. I don’t like the chances of him bending me over his knee and spanking me like a child. I instead train my attention on those feasting and dancing before us. They're a good distraction, a reprieve from the man holding me prisoner in his arms.

“Here comes my other gift to you,” Erax says, his voice considerably softer.

My heart jumps. “Your gifts are beginning to frighten me, Erax.”

He laughs, and I hate how the sound makes me want to laugh with him. “I think you’ll like this one.”

I turn back to the crowd. My eyes seem to be playing tricks on me because for a moment I think I see my uncle working his way towards us. And then he stops by the bottom of the dais, removes his hat, and bows.


I practically choke the word out as I push Erax away and climb off his lap.

“Pardon my tardiness, your royal highnesses, but there was a delay on the road. Fortunately, one of your dragon riders assisted me, though I must say I’m not as fond of flying as I thought I’d be in my youth. I damn near fell off and succumbed to death.” He raises his head, his eyes flickering between us before settling on me, and a sad smile twists his rugged lips. “Maelena. How the sun itself fails to rival your beauty on this day.”

Tears prick my eyes and, customs be damned, I climb off the dais and leap into my uncle’s arms. He catches me, albeit a little surprised, and I’m very aware of everyone watching us but I don’t care. Even if my uncle played a part in all this, I’ve missed him too much and how I have longed to hug him. He’s the familiar face I’ve been searching for. One of them, at least.

His arms enfold me in a familiar, much needed embrace as I glance at Erax from the corner of my eye. Now this gift… this gift I could get used to. He clears his throat, and my uncle lets me go. Straightening, he bows again to the king, keeping one arm around my back to grasp my shoulder.

“Your Majesty, I am honoured to be celebrating this day with you. To see my niece in such spirits…” His eyes cloud with tears and his throat jerks. “...you have given this old warrior a reason to smile again.”

“I hope not too old,” Erax replies, his hands draped over the armrests. “I was told you were the best warrior in the old kingdom and that you know these lands better than any mortal”

“I know them like the back of my hand, Your Majesty.”

“Then later you and I will discuss having you join my guard. They could do with learning some new tricks and you are no longer of use to the convent.”

Not far off to the side, Noble scoffs and mutters something under his breath. I don’t think he appreciated the comment about the king’s guard learning new tricks. Erax doesn’t take his eyes off my uncle, who hasn’t looked so happy in a very long time.

“I would be honoured, my king.”

Erax makes an affirmative gesture with his hand. “Consider it done. We must talk later. Tomorrow, perhaps.”

My uncle bows. “As you wish…” He trails off, and I watch the muscles along his jaw flutter. “If I could be so bold as to beseech more of your kindness, my king, and have a moment alone with my niece.”

Erax regards my uncle for several moments. “Since we are kin now, I don’t see why not. Noble—” He gestures to him. “Watch over them while I’m gone.” Then, turning to me, he adds, “Don’t get any funny ideas. I’ll just be over there.”

He casts a look across the room.

I nod at him and bite my lip. I have so much to discuss with my uncle, but most of all, I want to know if he knows about Lochlan. I need to know if he’s safe and if he ever made it to that place where his mother was born.

“I see our king has managed to tame you,” my uncle says to me, “and without noticeable injuries which a feat I thought no mortal capable of.”

Okay. So, I no longer want to hug my uncle. I want to punch him. I forgot how annoying he could be with his teasing. Erax narrows his eyes at him. Oh. Right. He doesn’t really understand the concept of a proper joke. Thankfully, with a quick glance at me, he returns my uncle’s nod somewhat curtly, before stepping off the dais and making his way to the banquet table. He is immediately sequestered by his people. Noble leans against the side of his vacant throne, his arms folded, and his eyes locked on me. Does that grin ever leave his face?

I turn to my uncle. “You must tell me everything!”

He chuckles, the sound tapering into a cough. That’s new. “Always eager, aren’t you, my little maeflower?” He smiles at me fondly as he leads us to a quiet corner of the room. Noble follows us with his gaze. “There is not much to say. The convent is no more; the king had it burned down not long after you departed. We lost many lives that night, including our possessions. Barely anyone survived. Nasty business. I still don’t know why he did it, but then, he is the king.”

My heart sinks. I don’t have the heart to tell him why Erax did what he did. Or rather, who for. I also don’t have the heart to tell him what Sister Gabriella put me through all those years. It would destroy him.

“I was lucky to make it out alive,” he continues, reaching for one of the small cakes on the dessert table. “If the boy Lochlan hadn’t come back when he did, I’d be rotting in the ground with the others.”

Instead of sinking, my heart leaps inside my chest, almost into the back of my throat. Lochlan… went back? Why? I told him to keep going and leave without me. I promised I’d meet him and that when I did, we’d both be free again.

“How is…” I swallow the lump building in my throat, trying to appear calm. “Lochlan? Is he well?”

My uncle side-eyes me and there’s a knowing glint in his eye that makes me look away. “The boy is fit and well, but no less stupid, if you want my honest opinion. Insisted on coming here with me today. It was his fault we ended up lost and stranded and damn near became dragon lunch.” My uncle licks the cream off his fingers and reaches for another. “Did you know that he has family here? An estranged brother. That gentleman over there, if you could believe it.”