Page 8 of Playing for Keeps

Ten minutes ago, they cranked up the stereo again. Five minutes ago, I started getting noise complaints in my new group chat for the floor.

goalkeep99: can you do something about the noise ?

thedaisywilson: I have a test tomorrow

username6777: ra!!! marrs manwhore won’t shut up!

All I wanted to do was to crawl back into bed. And that clearly wasn’t an option - not with Adam trying to break through the sound barrier and everybody’s patience.

"You’ve got to be kidding me," I muttered.

Walking out, my turtle slippers almost slid on the linoleum and I righted myself against Adam’s door, fumbling for the handle. The door itself was completely bare. No door decoration to be seen. Adam must’ve thrown it in the trash.

All that time I’d spent, piecing them together.

Ugh, ugh, ugh.

I narrowed my eyes. "Everybody knows who lives here anyway."

Frustration had to be held back though. Adam and I were going to be living next to each other, literally across the tiny space in the hall, for the entire semester.

Yes, Adam deserved getting hit in the face with a pie.

No, I shouldn’t have stooped that low.

"Second chances." I sighed, building up the courage to shut down a college party. "Everybody deserves a second chance."

I knocked twice on the door. No one answered.

"Adam?" I tried, like he could’ve heard me over the ear-splitting music.

I didn’t need to bother. The door was unlocked. I pushed it open just a little and music flooded the hallway. I felt like Dorothy, walking into Oz, except I was Dorothy, walking into the most insane college party of all time.

Oh my god.

Everyone danced in the middle of the room, the walls shook, and shots were poured like Prohibition was starting next week. Tables were crammed in the corner with spilled food, and the strong smell of booze made me dizzy. Every time the bass dropped, I was worried we’d crack through the floor.

I’d been so grateful for the size of the dorms at Roman Villa until I realized just how many people could be crammed into a room.

Shuffling across the floor, I gazed up at him. The man of the hour.

Adam hoisted himself on the kitchen counter that separated the living room and the kitchen, gripping a champagne bottle, as if that was a good decision to make. The party had been going on for hours, but you wouldn’t know that by looking at him. Freshly showered, clean, and ready for the night to keep going, the button-up barely covered his muscles.

Wow, is he…

…something that needed to be stopped.

Adam held the bottle by the neck and shook it for everybody to see. The room quieted a little and his grin widened. "We won the motherfucking BIRCHWOOD BOWL!"

Everyone screamed in unison and the beat dropped at the same time. The crowd was a living, moving thing, jumping and dancing together. I squeezed between sweaty bodies, trying to make my way to the kitchen. Someone was right behind me, someone was right in front of me, and I was elbowed deeper into the room.

"The fucking Birchwood Bowl!" Adam belted again, and the cork popped. "We’re getting sloshed tonight!"

Champagne doused everybody, and I stood there, stunned.

Looking around, I could spot fifty RA violations. Not to mention, it was almost midnight. This was the last thing I wanted to deal with.

"Adam!" a girl yelled out.