Page 2 of Playing for Keeps

"I need to talk to you about something." Zariah hesitated, brushing her curls over her shoulder. "Look, Piper. You don’t have to do all this."

"What do you mean?" I frowned.

"You don’t have to put in the work, girl. They’re not going to appreciate it. Freshmen, graduate students—hell—even law students would enjoy it more. Athletes are…different."


"A lot of them don’t give a shit," Zariah admitted.

My frown deepened. Back at Kennedy Young University, I was an athlete’s girlfriend. Okay…I’d been one of the top football player’s girlfriends. And it’d been a lot.

A lot of obligations, a lot of checklists, a lot of going, going, going. But I couldn’t remember his resident assistants ever being anything but so friendly and so sweet and the nicest girls I’d ever—

Maybe they were in that picture too. Maybe that’s why they were nice to you…

They knew what he was doing behind your back.

I banished the thought as soon as it appeared and glanced at the desk assistant station. "Do you think the new lists are out?"

"You’re expecting management to do their job?” Zariah snorted. “Low expectations, Piper."

"I’m going to go check."

"Low expectations!" Zariah reminded me.

"Sure!" I waved, quickly walking away. "Got it!"

Do you know what low expectations get you? Low results. We’d only received an eight-by-eleven paper on the first names of our residents due to the insane supply shortages imposed on the buildings. As if this wasn’t a tier one school.

I mean - Marrs University? With a new stadium built only three years ago? Telling the resident assistants we needed to conserve ink and buy our own highlighters?

How ridiculous is that?

But our bosses promised brand new lists today with all the details. If I could memorize all my athletes' first and last names, and class schedules, and maybe make some cute cards for their birthdays, that could be my secret weapon for them to like me.

Pssh. Difficult athletes?

Wait until they see my bedazzled game night invitations.

"Dude, what do you mean?" a voice echoed from the elevator lobby.

More athletes moving in!

I’d already met the girls’ track team, the junior soccer players, and half a dozen swim boys. All of them were super, super nice. I couldn’t wait to meet the new ones.

A husky voice laughed. "I’m not keeping the glitter crap on my door."


The voice sent a shiver down my spine. Almost had a built-in smirk too, the kind of cocky smile that made my toes curl. Little electric shocks zipped through my fingertips. And…the voice was kind of familiar.

What am I doing?

Marrs University had forty thousand students, plenty of cute guys, and I’d been given very clear instructions during training - no fooling around with anyone who lives in your own residential building. Especially at RV.

What a nice voice though.

"It’s cute," the voice chuckled. "What’d I tell you guys? It’s always the sunshine good girls who are the craziest in bed."