Page 249 of Playing for Keeps

"Goddammit, ice princess." He sighed and leaned down to press his lips to my neck, kissing me all over. "I’m trying to tell you we’re getting buried next to each other."

I laughed again and brought him back up to kiss him on his lips anyway.



New Introductions Needed

Last day of spring training, baby.

Classes ended two days ago. For the first semester of my life, I could celebrate my grades not sucking ass. All thanks to my girlfriend.

My incredibly hot, incredibly smart girlfriend who sat on the bleachers at practice, sporting a number forty-five jersey and octopus earrings from her boyfriend—me—who introduced them as octopi earrings. She quickly corrected me that they were octopuses, not octopi, and octopi was a mistake from people assuming it was a Latin-based second-declension noun instead of a third-declension noun.

Did I have any idea what she was talking about? Nope.

That wasn’t my role though. If you’re a guy dating a girl who’s fifty times smarter than you, all you need to do is nod along, try not to drool at her lips while she’s correcting you, and adjust your dick—rock hard in your pants with every excited jump she makes at another fun fact, connected to yet another fun fact.

I was a goddamn professional at it.

If anybody asked, Piper and I were just good friends. Good buddies. And she was my RA, right across the hall. Or usually, right across my bed, completely naked, which her bosses didn’t need to know about.

King and I walked across the field together. With another look over my shoulder, I caught sight of my secret girlfriend again, chatting with a few other girls on the bleachers. I glanced back. “It’s three days in Dallas, June and Zariah have housing bullshit, they can’t make it.”

He hesitated. “I was thinking of going back home before summer really starts.”

“They’re fine, dude. You can take three days off to fuck around.

“I might actually do it.” King made a noise at the back of his throat. “My dating profile sucks here. It’s just all girls who ask about football and June.” He threw me a glance. “And before you ask, I’m not looking to just get laid.”

“I get it.”

He raised his eyebrows, surprised.

“No, dude.” I shook my head. “In-love sex is the best. Piper can make me come now without even touching my dick. It’s insane. Forget everything I used to say, this is the shit to be aspiring to.”

He gazed at me, stunned, and I was about to continue when a single word stopped me.


The excited yell took my attention back over to the bleachers. Piper stood along the railing. Her blonde hair shone in the sunlight and my jersey looked damn good on her. There was a huge blush on her face—she didn’t mean to shout—but that just made it even better.

Any other day, I would’ve taken a full minute to enjoy the amazing painting that slept in my bed but my focus wasn’t on that, my focus was on the phone in her hand, lit up for me to see.

Holy shit.

Without hesitation, I sprinted across the field.

My heart pounded and my sneakers tore up the astroturf. It felt like my chest was going to explode. It was the news we’d been waiting for. Piper’s very real confirmation into Roman Hall. The key for me to finally parade her around.

I stumbled out to the bleachers and there she was, talking excitedly to the other girls.

"Give it to me," I demanded.

A huge grin crossed my face when I saw hers.

"We got it?" I belted out.