Page 241 of Playing for Keeps

"Get to three-fourteen!" I moved off to the next room, slamming my fist against the door. "Get the fuck up, assholes! I’m coming to collect!"




There was only one presentation ahead of me. I was alone in the sitting room, meandering back and forth across the carpet. The note cards were shuffled in my hand. I knew them. But it was the only thing that seemed to ease the anxiety.

"It doesn't matter," I mumbled under my breath. "You can do this."

Outside of the sitting room, I could hear the presentation, something about serving as a role model to your residents. Things like not getting drunk during an overnight shift or sleeping with a resident on your floor. I winced and kept pacing again. Better to think about the here and now.

Like the…weird sound of tapping rain?

I frowned and glanced over to the door.

What is that?

Slowly, I opened the door. That was footsteps. Like - a lot of footsteps. The entire audience of the presentation had been deathly silent. A graveyard would’ve been more chatty. The sound of footsteps didn’t make sense. I walked along the walkway to where the other RAs were gathered, all looking about as confused as I was.

"What’s going on?" I whispered.

"The room’s filling up?" an RA muttered to me in surprise.

I frowned. "What?"

I didn’t believe it until I brushed back the curtain a little and gazed out at the audience. The chairs were filling up. Why? Were they coming for another event after this one? I wracked my brain, trying to think of the room schedule when I realized something very particular about the people filling up the seats.

They were all athletes.

Like…all of them.

I stared, stunned, at the lines of hockey and soccer and football and everybody in between, taking their seats. The guy giving the current presentation fumbled a little on his lines and I understood. I would’ve been doing the same thing.

Wait. I would be doing the same thing. Were these people going to be here for my presentation?

My heart leaped to my throat.

Oh my god.

In the front row, someone sat at the seat closest to the middle, leaning back in his chair. It was Adam. Staring intently at the stage, he held a bouquet in his lap. The longer I stared at him, the less I believed it.

His eyes flickered over to the side and caught mine. A full smile lifted on his lips. Not a grin, not one of the cocky ones he flashed all over campus, but a breathtaking smile, excited to see me. He held up a thumbs-up sign and mouthed three words to me.

"You got this."

More footsteps flew up the stairs and June burst into our little area, panting. "Piper!"

The other RAs shushed her and she hurried closer.

"Piper," she whispered, sucking in breaths. "Adam’s here. Well—everyone’s here. Like half the football team and the whole athletics dorm."

"I know, I—" I started to say before one of the other residential leaders entered our space too, shocked.

"Ms. Fontaine?" she asked slowly, giving a look back over to the room. "I apologize, we’ve been alerted that our audience members have arrived here for your presentation…?"

A blush turned my cheeks scarlet.