Page 223 of Playing for Keeps



Cookie Dough Break

Finding out Thomas cheated on me was a crack in my heart. What Adam did shattered it entirely.

An emergency SOS went out to my parents, and they dropped everything to drive to campus. I didn’t want to cry into my pillow in my dorm. I needed my family around me, and they came without question.

The car ride was quiet as my dad stretched back to hand me a box of tissues.

It wasn’t the first time.

When I broke up with Thomas, after the thousandth story that someone posted of Thomas and some girl or that girl or another girl, Thomas had taken almost all of my stuff and thrown it out of his house. It’d been more than me losing my housing close to campus. That day had been mortifying.

And that car trip, like this one, had been quiet too.

My parents hadn’t touched my room, and I crashed upstairs in my bed, yanking the covers over my head to block out the noise and the sun outside.

In complete darkness, I could finally face the question that had been brewing in my mind for so long. I jumped into these things with these guys and I was never enough for them to commit. Nothing I did was enough. Adam had popped out with the—I love you—but not that much.

I fisted the blankets and hunkered down, unable to stop crying.

How can you miss someone who hurt you so badly?

Crying ebbed into sniffles, sniffles ebbed into silence, and I stared at the wall, painted blue like the ocean. I was right back where I’d been last year. Sobbing over a guy who determined I wasn’t enough to be dedicated to.

A knock echoed on the door, and my dad gently pushed it open. “Hey, kiddo.”

I didn’t bother turning around to see them, both there, hovering around the door.

“Piper,” my mom murmured and sat on the bed next to me. Gently, she stroked my hair, and my dad sat on my hope chest. The smell of chocolate wafted over my room, and I glanced up to see a plate of chocolate chip cookies.

Tears sprung in my eyes again. Adam’s favorite snack.

“Goodness.” My dad sucked in a breath. “Kiddo, I didn’t mean to make you cry.”

“She doesn’t want the cookies, Carl,” my mom tried to shoo him away.

“No, I want the cookies,” I said pathetically and sat up a little, reaching for one. They were perfect. Gooey-deliciousness, just like how my dad liked to make them when he was fuming from a cheating student in one of his classes or when he came home from a long work trip. I grabbed for another before he could put the plate down. More tears sprung. “I’m sorry.”

My mom sighed and wrapped an arm around my shoulder. “Oh, Piper. You’re fine.”

“Do you want cookie dough?” My dad’s eyes crinkled for a smile. “I have some in the freezer.”

“Thank—thank you both—” I blubbered and my dad reached to hug me too.

I was so grateful for them. They had my back and protected me at a moment’s notice. But my heart hurt thinking about it. What did Adam have? Because he didn’t have me anymore. And as much as I tried to feel angry about it, I couldn’t. The heartbreak overwhelmed everything else inside of me.

“And this is…about…?” My mom hesitated.

“The boy?” my dad pressed. “Adam? Is it about Adam?”

Slowly, I nodded and reached over for another cookie.

“These football players,” my dad muttered under his breath. “I’ll never watch football again.”

“You don’t watch football, dear,” my mother reminded him.