Page 202 of Playing for Keeps

“I’m going to get you pregnant.”

I pulled back away from him, blushing hard. “Joke would be on you. Then you’d have to put up with a miniature version of yourself.” I stuck my tongue at him. “Where are we going?”

Adam opened the car door. “It’s a surprise, Piper.”



Not How I Remember It

Pushing down on the accelerator, I turned towards downtown Houston, a huge grin on my face. Tonight was the night. The night I’d tell Piper I love her. It was the perfect night for it, the location, the evening, the dress.

I stole another look at her. Her blonde hair curled perfectly, spilling down her shoulders, and even if her dress had all the ruffles, I could still see her curves, the curves I loved touching, kissing. Her eyes were shut—just like I asked—but I wanted to ask anyway.

Taking a right, my grin widened. “Are your eyes closed?”

“Yes,” Piper replied, amused.

“Closed tight? Closed-closed? Or is this a Piper-Truth where they’re closed but closed tomorrow?” I teased.

“I am closing my eyes right now, Adam. What’s the surprise?”

I love you. I want you to love me too.

I chuckled and drove into the valet parking. Usually, the streets were crowded with people, especially now, but they were silent. I pushed open my door and shook my head when the valet tried to open Piper’s. I strolled over to hers and opened the door for her, taking her hand in mine, soft to the touch.

“Can I open my eyes now?”

“Not a chance.” I tugged her up and walked her carefully across the blue tile. We were a little late and maybe that was a good thing. I could hold her hand a little longer.

“Now can I open them?”

“Okay.” I brought her towards the entrance and released her hand. “You can open them.”

Her gray eyes sparkled in the lights and she took in everything slowly. At first, she was a little confused. Her eyes widened, and she gazed back at me, the bright blue flickering across her face.

“The aquarium?” Piper whispered.

“Yeah, you know, I didn’t know if you’d like it. I told them—damn—Piper wanted a wrestling match instead.”

“An aquarium?!” Her voice shot up, and she hiked up her dress, hurrying across the multi-colored pathway towards the front entrance, the rest of the fabric trailing behind her. “I’ve been so busy—it’s been so busy! I didn’t get a chance to come—Adam! The aquarium! Wait—the aquarium?” She whirled back around, her dress swishing in the air. Her eyebrows knitted together. “This isn’t a coincidence.”

“That’d be a pretty crazy one,” I admitted.

“Did you…?”

I shrugged. “They were taking suggestions…”

Or I signed my summer away to Cleo for every shoe signing and stupid viral video challenge they could throw at me to make sure this evening was everything for you.

Piper folded her arms over her chest, a playful smile on her face. “How much blood did you have to pay for it?”

“Gallons.” I laughed. “Buckets.”

“Adam! Piper!” June hurried up to us on the walkway, grabbing us by the arms.

We were bound to get interrupted eventually, at least it was now and not later. The three of us walked through the front entrance into the lobby, decorated with dark blue balloons for the night. There were huge fish tanks built into the wall, and I could see Piper’s eyes widen as she took in everything around us.