Page 200 of Playing for Keeps

I paced across the room, hair curled, makeup done, in nothing more than a bra and panties, still unable to try it on.

“They won’t mind,” I muttered to myself. “I’ll just go in my pajamas.”

My phone buzzed in the corner.

dreamy big dick god of dicking down: be there soon

Piper Fontaine: What kind of nickname is this?

dreamy big dick god of dicking down: i dont even remember which one it is

dreamy big dick god of dicking down: put the dress on

The smile fell off my face. Adam had to pick up an extra credit session for a business class, but he was coming to pick me up. He hadn’t even seen me yet. How did he know the dress was still on the hanger?

Piper Fontaine: How do you know I don’t have it on yet?

dreamy big dick god of dicking down: i know you

dreamy big dick god of dicking down: put the dress on


Fine, fine, fine. It was like a huge coding project for one of my classes. The only thing to do was to throw myself into it. I yanked the dress off the hanger and unraveled the knots in the back. Carefully—oh, so carefully—I protected my hair and my makeup and shrugged the dress on, muttering under my breath.

With a sigh, I made my way back to the side of the living room and swept my hair to the side, glancing up at the mirror.

My hands stilled at my throat.

Oh my god.

I’d always loved dresses before, the fluttery summer ones, ones with big skirts—you name it, they’re fun to wear. But this gown was something else. It was beautiful and gorgeous, and against all reason, it made me feel like an actual princess.

My phone pinged again.

dreamy big dick god of dicking down: im coming upstairs

Piper Fontaine: Stay down I’ll meet you there

It was getting too close to everybody coming back from evening classes. If I could escape all of that, I’d do it without question. With the quickest knots to the back, I slipped into the heels and hurried off to the elevator.

When was the last time they mopped these floors?

I grabbed the bottom of my dress and hiked it up, taking my place in the elevator.

Don’t think about how dirty the floors, don’t think about how dirty the floors are, don’t think about how—

The moment I left the elevator bank, I could hear how loud the elevator lobby was. Didn’t they have homework to do? I mumbled under my breath and hurried to the desk assistant station to grab someone to let me out of the hall of shame, to escape the crowd.

Outside, the evening had already taken hold, and I rushed out to the darkness. Adam rested against his car, staring intently at the front entrance.

I can scare him good.

With as quiet steps as I could muster, I strolled to the car, pretending like I was just another student walking along the stone. Adam didn’t budge. Didn’t even look my way. Perfect.

“Hey!” I yelled, a couple of octaves lower than my real voice. “Marrs Manwhore!”

The intent look on Adam’s face disappeared entirely and Adam sighed, looking to the left with the most irritation in the world. His eyes flickered to the side, adjusted back to the entrance, and jerked back around to look back at me, mouth open.