Page 191 of Playing for Keeps

“You make me feel better,” I admitted.

It wasn’t a game-winning scrabble word like courageous and I couldn’t articulate it as well as she could but it was the truth, plain and simple. Being with Piper made me feel better, like I’d been playing a game with a broken bone for so long, I didn’t realize it. She made me feel good again.

People passed through the alley and we had to step back to allow them to leave.

I dropped my voice. “Everybody’s going off to the concert right now.”

“That’s right.” Piper nodded.

“But I figured…big crowds…not really your thing.” I shrugged. “If we wait until everybody heads over there, I bet we could sneak out after.” I contemplated the extra time, watching the people file out on either side of the alleyway. “I’d bet you anything the rides are quiet.”

She gave me a long look and tilted her head to the side, searching. Her blonde hair spilled over her shoulder. Completely distracting. She smiled. “You want to ride rides with me?”

“Oh, yeah.” I nodded and drew closer. “Then you can ride this ride. Free admission.”


“You must be this wet to ride this ride—”

Piper laughed, grabbing the opening to my cowboy jacket, and tugging me along with her. “What am I going to do with you?”



Jacket On The Ground

Music started playing in the distance as our side of the rodeo started emptying out, everybody heading off to watch the band. It was quiet, some of the stands were shutting down. And I really couldn’t have been happier.

This was the college experience I wanted.

I wasn’t at home, thumbing through a textbook, waiting for Thomas to call like I was last year. I was out, I was doing things. I was getting involved, hanging out with my friends, and I had him, purposely walking slowly next to me so I could keep up.

I snuck another look at him. This man who’d done all these things for me.

It wasn’t just that he was attractive. And—okay—Adam had that going for him. There was no denying that. The stubble starting to grow in made me weak in the knees. But Adam was so much more than I ever realized. He was starting to spin me in circles and there really wasn’t anything I could do about it, even if I wanted to.

“The Flying Texan still has room,” Adam pointed out.

Scanning over the rides in front of us, I tried to think of exactly what I wanted to end out a perfect day. Some of the rides were already closing up. Only a few seemed like they’d run for longer.

The Ferris wheel was one of them.

I raised an eyebrow, looking closer at it. They weren’t simple benches, they were the closed passenger baskets. Maybe it was because Adam was so close to me and that box of condoms was calling my name from his dorm, but the craziest idea popped into my head.

An Adam kind of an idea.

I grabbed his sleeve and pulled him off to the Ferris wheel, to the short line with a yawning volunteer behind the controls who I’d never seen at training sessions.

“Ferris wheel?” Adam asked, with a chuckle. “Ice princess, I don’t know if I can fit in one of those.”

Stepping into line, I raised an eyebrow at him. “We’ll make it fit.”

A grin tugged up on his lips. “Is that so?”

You have no idea what you’re in for.

“Mm-hmm.” I nodded. “You’ve fit before.”