Page 189 of Playing for Keeps

It took real effort for him to unclench his jaw. Finally, Adam took a step back and everyone in the room seemed to release a breath.

“I’ve been learning a lot,” Adam acknowledged, taking a deep breath. “Thomas. Sorry about that.”

My ex stared at him, dumbfounded.

Adam’s eyes flickered back to me. “Everybody deserves another chance.”


Something inside of me softened. I couldn’t be more proud of him if I tried.

Something new dawned on Thomas’s face and jerked back and forth between us. I knew what he was looking for. My fingers fumbled with the card shuffler, and I tried to duck my head, but the damage was done.

“Holy shit.” Thomas sucked in a breath. “I see what this is. Wow.” He turned back to Adam. “So—Piper—you’re sucking his dick now? Bleacher bunny does what a bleacher bunny does, I guess. Slut it out for the next athlete.” A hard laugh erupted out of him. “Enjoy my leftovers, Adam.”

“That was your second chance, asshole,” Adam retorted before a crack rang in the air as he slammed his fist into Thomas’s jaw.



You Make Me Feel Better

Thomas Sullender, resident dickhead of the Kennedy Young University football team, crashed through two card tables and smashed into the bar. His head was mostly lead and concrete - it made sense.

I strolled across the ground and gathered up his shirt again in my fist, letting another punch fly. It’d been a long time since I legitimately beat someone’s ass. Those had always been justified, but this was a special one. With each blow, I counted another reason.

One, for cheating on Piper.

Two, for making her feel like shit.

Three, for making Piper think she wasn’t worthy of someone spending actual time and effort on her.

Four, for lying to me.

Five, because fuck him—that’s why.

There was a crowd around me, but I didn’t give a shit. This guy disrespected Piper, and he had to learn his fucking lesson. If he ever did that shit again and decided to waltz on my campus without a football game to go to, he’d have to answer to me. Because he didn’t get to pop up like a weasel and antagonize Piper like that.

“What is going on here?!”

I jerked up with Thomas in hand, to see Cleo and Miles at the door frame with bags of popcorn and a giant stuffed Marrs helmet from one of the prize booths. Cleo looked anything but happy about the day’s event. She stared at me, stricken. And between us, was Piper.

Oh, shit.

Blood dripped from Thomas’s nose, and my knuckles were bruised. I shoved him to the ground again and pushed myself up, dusting off my pants, like that’d clean up the scene.

“Adam?” Cleo demanded, striding forward. She ushered for Miles to start dispensing the crowd, but there was only so much he could do. “Tell me what’s going on. Right now.”

“I called campus security,” someone said.

“Oh my god.” Cleo put her hand over her mouth.

“Uh—” I blanked on an explanation. What could I say? Thomas was being mean to me so I broke his nose? In what world was that even? But I couldn’t give the actual reason.

I cared about Piper. This guy hurt her.

Ergo, I hurt the fuck out of this guy.