Page 186 of Playing for Keeps

“Adam?” Piper called to me.

I blinked. “What?”

“Can you grab a napkin from my purse?” Piper asked, amused. “She’s got a little—you know—all over—” She motioned up to her eyebrows, trying not to laugh.

I cleared my throat and stepped back to her purse, rifling through until I found the napkins.

“Thanks.” Piper smiled and cleaned up the girl as best as she could before she walked back over to the rabbit pen. “I’ll text June. I think the wipe station’s out.” She whipped out her phone and glanced back at me. “Are you okay?”

“What? Yeah. Of course. Why?”

“I don’t know. You look kind of…?”

“Cool as shit?” I plastered the grin on my face and tugged the jacket. “Don’t be jealous, ice princess.”

Piper laughed and I grabbed the lemonade back from her, still off-balanced.

The more time I spent with her, the more I could feel something changing deep inside me, deeper than bone. I didn’t even recognize myself anymore.

And maybe…that wasn’t a bad thing.



That Was Your Second Chance

From the petting zoo to lunch with our whole group, the rodeo was hot and fun and pretty funny with the perfect cowboy walking alongside me.

We had to break apart while the football players wove hands at the bull riding competition and I had my shift at the mock saloon to run the blackjack table. There were mock Marrs chips for people to gamble with and exchange fun college gear. The actual saloon itself was cute as could be, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t bummed that I had to step away from everybody else.

It’s going to be worth it.

Volunteering for more RA work was crucial to my Roman Hall application. If they saw how dedicated I was, maybe I could actually get into the place that only accepted graduate students.

I hurried back to our little sitting area and took a swig from my water bottle, slipping my phone out of my pocket.

hunk of meat: i miss you

I could only imagine when Adam had grabbed my phone to change his name again. Smiling hard, I stuck out my tongue at the screen. I was halfway to kicking my feet and giggling to myself, and not even caring about it.

Adam had things to check off on his schedule, but I could torture him just a little.

Piper Fontaine: Come hang out with me then

It was just teasing. He couldn’t get out of his duties for the day.

hunk of meat: be there in 10

The smile flew off my face, and I smacked my hand against my mouth. Oh my god. He couldn’t be serious, right? Adam was just messing around with me, as per usual.

Piper Fontaine: I’m KIDDING Adam

Piper Fontaine: I’ll see you tonight

hunk of meat: im not kidding

hunk of meat: im running out of here be there in 10