Page 183 of Playing for Keeps


Scammed Out Of A Hundred Dollars

There were fifteen minutes to spare before we had to do a short interview in front of one of the rides and I headed right back to the petting zoo, to Piper reminding a little boy that he needed to stop kissing the hen house.

“Honey, we don’t clean those,” Piper said, gently tugging him back. “Seriously, I don’t think they’ve ever been cleaned.”

The kid pouted at her. “But how will the chickens know I love them?”

“They’ll know in their hearts,” she assured him, and I grinned from the fence.

Piper stood up in a second and gave me a tired smile, walking past the goats, bleating at each other. I frowned at her. “Wow. Is that how you get a girl? Just kiss the door of her dorm?”

“Don’t start,” she warned, kneeling down to stop a little kid from throwing hay at a chicken. Her voice dropped. “I didn’t realize signing up for a petting zoo meant convincing twenty kids to keep their shoes on.”

“I told you, kids are gross.”

She rolled her eyes. “Okay.”

“See, this should be free birth control for you.” I laughed. “And they’re loud—look at that kid—trying to pick up the duck—”

“Wait! Jay!” Piper dove down and gently reprimanded him, heading back to the fence again with a sigh. “Forget I said anything, Adam. They’re fine. It’s getting slower, I’m just complaining to complain.”

I leaned forward on the fence and gazed down at her. “Long shift? You want a break?”

“I don’t get a break for another forty-five minutes.”

“Take five, go grab a lemonade.” I fished out a twenty and passed it to her. “I’ll watch over the pigpen.”

“Don’t tease me like that.”

“I’m not joking. You can stretch your legs, grab a drink, powder your nose, whatever girls do.”

She bit her lip, giving a long look at the rest of the rodeo behind me.

“You know you want to.” I chuckled. “I only have a couple of free minutes here, ice princess. If you’re going to get a move-on, you have to go now. Now, now.”

“It’s not an inconvenience—?”

“Piper.” I raised my eyebrows. “Go.”

I stretched over the fence while Piper walked around to the exit, still glancing over her shoulder at me. I waved her away

I could handle Lord of the Flies.

Out of the corner of my eye though, I watched Piper walk towards the lemonade stand until she was out of earshot.


I slipped my wallet out of my back pocket. The petting zoo emptied out a little with lunch, but there were still a dozen kids bothering the livestock. One of them caught my eye, a little boy with a bow tied on his shirt, petting a baby goat.


I crouched close to him. “Hey, kid. Do you want to make fifty bucks?”

“Huh?” The little boy glanced up with huge brown eyes. He nodded vigorously. “Yes, please.”

“Good. Do you see that lady over there by the lemonade stand? The one in the dark blue shirt?”