Page 173 of Playing for Keeps



One Of Those Things

I felt like a fucking animal.

No, that’s not right. I was a fucking animal. After the movie, we returned to Roman Villa and for the first time, I was livid I had to live in the same fucking place as everybody else.

The elevator took so goddamn long, I almost threw her over my shoulder and took the stairs, but we were surrounded by our friends, crammed inside. Stopping at every fucking floor. Like we were taking a tour of the building. I stared hard at the marker for the floor, rising up from floor five…to six…

Jesus fucking Christ I am going to beat this door in.

Finally, the door opened to our floor, and I walked out with only Piper. The rest of the elevator wished us goodnight, and I stopped in front of my door, waiting for the elevator to close.

“Adam—I—uh—” Piper fumbled with her keys behind me at her door and I waited, watching the elevator.

Fucking finally.

The elevator doors closed, and I grabbed Piper by the waist, pushing open my door. Slamming it open. I ripped off her hoodie, threw it over her head, and tossed it to the couch without a second glance. Piper gaped at me, her eyes wide. Those beautiful, gray eyes, doe-eyes, the kind of eyes you could get lost in. The ones that turned to hard steel when she was angry or glittered when the light shone on them—the eyes that haunted my every step, that kept me awake at night.

I knotted my fingers in her hair and crashed my lips to her, and she threw her arms around me, clawing at my shirt.


I needed fucking more.

None of it sated me. Any other day, I could lay her down on the bed and gingerly kiss up her thighs, taking my time. But I wasn’t feeling exactly fucking rational. It’d been a whirlwind of days. All I needed was her. I’d lose my mind if I couldn’t have her.

Piper gasped for breath, pulling away from me, but I drew her back in, kissing her neck, her shoulder, yanking her shirt off, unbuttoning her jeans. She couldn’t move as fast as I could. I worked around her, shedding each piece of clothing, careful to keep her standing, moving her when I wanted until I had my fingers looped through the side of her panties. With little turtles on them.

Against absolutely everything, a laugh burst out of me.

“What?” Piper panted, pulling back. A flush crept up her neck. “What is it?”

“Your panties—” I tried to explain with a grin.

There was a delirious happiness to it. I had Piper in my arms, and I was about to have her naked, and my chest was so light, I felt good. I felt whole. I was on top of the world, over the fucking moon, and Piper was so sweet. She was so lovely and wonderful and everything I wanted.

“My panties?” Piper’s mouth fell open. “You’re seriously laughing at me about my underwear right now?”

I tried to explain, tightening my hold on her. “No, you don’t understand, it’s one of those things I l—”

Holy shit.

The words stopped in my throat and the smile fell off my face. It was like a hand grabbed my throat. I couldn’t believe it. My mind raced and my fingers curled into a fist, trying to think of exactly what the hell I was going to say. Because, if I hadn’t stopped myself…

It’d been so easy to say too.

It’s one of the things I love about you.

I needed something to say. I may have told her when she was drunk, but that felt like a lifetime ago. I froze.

What the hell do I say?

“It’s one of the things I can’t stand about you.”

Piper drew back away from me and I wrapped my arms tighter around her. “Oh, really?”