Page 161 of Playing for Keeps

"Movie night?" Kassie raised her eyebrows. "Did you invite her?"

When Piper was drunk or when I frightened her away?

"Uh…I can’t remember."

"Okay." Slowly, Kassie nodded and I had the weirdest feeling she was analyzing me through a microscope. "Can you come at six? For the movie night?"

I was so relieved we were switching topics, I agreed instantly. "Yeah. I thought it started at—?"

"I need some help putting it together."

"Oh. Yeah. Sure."

"Good." Kassie patted my shoulder and nodded towards the door. "I’ll keep them at bay, okay? You can keep waiting. No worries."


I tried to go back to watching the parking lot but I had to say something before Kassie walked back inside.

"Uh, illustrator-in-chief?"


Slowly, I shook my head. "I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have snapped at you."

“It’s okay. You keep waiting.”



A Person With Feelings

I had no idea how much of my day revolved around Adam until he was…gone.

He left for football practice early, he wasn’t there to walk me to class, and when I met up with my study group for one of my programming classes, his texts weren’t making my phone vibrate enough to bother everybody. No coffee with Adam, no gym time where he worked out, and I worked on a coding project at the table in the corner. And when dinner time came around, when I was supposed to meet up with him and our friends to go to Gianna’s, I couldn’t make myself go.

I wanted to talk to Adam alone. But I didn’t want to corner him.

What am I supposed to do?

Friday came, and I still didn’t have an answer. I picked up a paintbrush for my volunteer shift to help make the fairgrounds for the rodeo. The place was packed with other student workers, helping put up tents and the pavilions. I only signed up for a single shift, but when my time with Adam became null and void…I finished up four already.

At least it’ll look good to Roman Hall.

I dipped the brush in the can of paint again and splashed it on the barn door, resisting the urge to toss it back in the bucket and head to Adam’s room.

“How much space is too much space?” I mumbled under my breath.

I thought I could spend the time reciting my upcoming RA presentation. But I was sulking too much for that. Without Adam sitting in front of me and cracking jokes about my PowerPoint, it wasn’t nearly as fun.

When do you cop to it and admit you miss them?

All I needed was the courage to actually go up to him and say I messed up and I wanted to fix everything and I didn’t mean to hurt him. But every time I thought about his face, my stomach twisted. The way all emotion wiped clean. I hated seeing him like that. I hated putting him in that position.


Oh my god.