Page 152 of Playing for Keeps

“Is she…is she drunk?” Elijah asked, a grin on his face. “What kind of noise complaint is this?”

Piper tapped my back. “Adam…I’m going to throw up if I don’t get a piggyback ride…”

“Alright, everybody shut up again,” I snapped. Cursing under my breath, I reached down and hauled Piper on my back. “Elijah, I couldn’t give less a shit what you’re doing. Sloane, I don’t care what zoo animal you’re fucking. But we’re going to make a pact. Nobody mentions any of this to anybody ever.”

“Oh, blessings,” Sloane breathed out.

“We weren’t even—doing anything—” Elijah tried to scoff.

"If I took a UV light in there, I’d have to call in a clean-up crew. And then they’d burn it down for sanitary reasons," I snarled. "Shut the fuck up, Elijah. Shut up. Are we good?"

I knew the hockey player wanted to deck me, but all four of us were in a bind. They didn’t want their weirdo secret fucking session going around and I didn’t want Elijah opening his fat mouth to tell everybody from here to Oklahoma that Piper was on-call, drunk. Reluctantly, Elijah shut the door, and I walked over to the elevator.

“Guess where you’re going?” I asked Piper while she squeezed my neck.

“Hm?” she murmured, resting against me.

“You’re going to sleep.”

“No…” But she yawned anyway.

Upstairs, I closed the door after us and breathed out a sigh of relief. Twenty minutes. That’s all I was asking for, just time to get Piper in bed. The moment I set her down though, Piper had a frown on her face.

“I want to dance.”

“We’re not dancing, Piper, you’re going to sleep.” I took her hand and lead her off towards the bedroom.

“But I want to dance.”


She pulled her hand away from me and her bottom lip quivered. "That’s part—part of the college experience I want—and I didn’t get to at the conference—I didn’t get to at the bar." Piper took a struggling breath and her eyes shone with instant tears.

“What?” I stared at her, frozen. “Don’t cry.”

"What if nobody ever wants to dance with me ever and I have to live my life undanceable?"

"Woah, hey, that’s not going to happen—"

"What—what if I’m undanceable?" Piper blubbered.

Panic bit me. Piper couldn’t cry. How could I let her cry? Part of me knew they were just the ramblings of a drunk girl who desperately needed to close her eyes. But that didn’t change the fact that I couldn’t let her cry.

“You’re not—Piper, we can dance later. Right now, you need to go to sleep.”

She took rapid breaths. “You don’t even want to dance with me.”

“No, I didn’t say that—”

“You think I dance terribly—terribly—”

“I haven’t even seen you dance.” I threw up my hands. “I never said anything like that!”

“I’m going—going to have to live my life and no one—no one’s ever—”

“No, of course not—”

“You wouldn’t even want to ever, not ever dance with me—”