Page 150 of Playing for Keeps

“It’s not even quiet hours, Harry.” I swore under my breath and put a hand to Piper’s forehead, pushing her back to the couch every time she tried to stand up. “Come on, how loud can they be?”

“Look, man. I don’t call unless I get three complaints.”

“Jesus fuck. I’m buying duct tape for this fucking dorm. What room is it?”

The moment the call ended, I sighed and thumped onto the couch next to Piper. I already finished one of the rounds, but I had two more before the shift was up. I was tired. I was horny. More than horny, I was aching like nothing I would’ve ever believed, fucking sore, and nothing was going to fix either of those things before five o’clock tomorrow.

“You okay?” Piper slurred, pulling up her knees on the couch. When I didn’t say anything, she gingerly shifted over and wrapped her arms around my shoulders, hugging me close.

“It’s so hard to concentrate on any of these bullshit problems,” I admitted, leaning my head back and gazing up at the ceiling. I closed my eyes. “I’m the hardest I’ve ever been. I didn't even know you could die from blue balls—pretty sure I’m losing my mind here. I have to take five to jerk off in the bathroom or I’ll lose all feeling in my legs.”

“Can I watch?”

I cracked open an eye and stared at her. “I’m trying to open up to you about my problems, Piper. Be considerate.”

“I’m sorry.” She pouted.

“This hurts like hell.”

Her fingers trailed along my arm. “I could make it better. You could come in my mouth.”


“Can you pretend to listen to me for five minutes and not ask about my dick?”

“Oh. Okay.” Piper nodded. “Can I listen to you jerk off?”

I pinched the bridge of my nose, working on focusing on the pain instead. “Why are you doing this to me? What did I do to you?”

“I could jerk you off.”

“Well, that’s enough.” I pushed myself off the couch and held out a hand. “Come on, we have college kids to pry apart.” Her lips raised for a suggestive smile and I shook my head. “You’re not jerking me off. We’re not doing anything you’ll regret later.”

“You’re so beautiful—”

I grabbed her hand and hauled her up, walking her back to the elevator. She knew how much she was poking and stroking my buttons too. She was unraveling me. This was psychological torture in its worst form. It was fucking insane. Only a couple of hours ago, I threw down half a dozen football players, and now a drunk girl telling me I looked nice brought me to my knees.

“Are you flustered?” Piper asked, shocked.

“I have literally been flustered around you since the moment you met me,” I muttered. “Damn, Piper. It’s feels nice to be noticed.”

“It’s so cute,” Piper said, leaning against the elevator, watching me with those seductive gray eyes of hers.

“Don’t look at me like that.”

Her eyebrow raised. “Like what?”

“Like a piece of meat,” I said, only half-joking. “It’s making me self-conscious. It’s hard to focus.”

A cat-like smile spread across her lips, and I had to look away while the elevator doors opened. “Good.”

This girl’s going to be the death of me.

I strode over to the room with a firm hand on Piper’s back. “This is the last thing you’re doing.” I rapped my knuckles against the door and turned back to her. “After this—the mind games are over—you’re going to bed.”

“To bed with you?”

“No,” I said, exasperated. “To sleep.”