Page 140 of Playing for Keeps

Ryan passed me by. “Is that a nickname for someone?”

King grunted but Kassie took the lead. “Gray sweatpants like the sweatpants guys wear, where you can see the outline of their dick. Like you can see it.”

“Who’s dick?” I demanded. “What dick?”

“Well, that man in her phone,” Zariah smirked.

I struggled to keep my voice level. “Zariah, what are you talking about?”

“I was wondering…” Kassie trailed off and pushed beyond me.

“Wondering what?” I called after her, slowing my pace.

“She has been more distracted recently,” Ryan allowed.

King grunted in agreement.

My stomach twisted in knots. Piper and I practically spent twenty-four hours a day with each other. I never saw any weird behavior or weird texts or guys with their fucking cocks out on her phone and I broke into her phone regularly to change my name to make Piper laugh. My mouth was dry. I had to find out whatever dumb piece of shit decided to send a photo of his cock to my RA and then I was going to pummel him into the concrete.

“Piper Fontaine got a sexy little photo while we were in a meeting,” Zariah told us.

My fingers curled into my palm. “Some guy’s harassing Piper?”

“I didn’t say that.”

“What kind of photo?” Kassie pressed.

“Kass, you should’ve seen her. I’ve never seen her blush harder. I’m talking blushing, stammering—girl—the whole thing. It was a good thing we were sitting down, she would’ve dropped her phone. And I know that look anywhere.”

“Good for her.” Kassie chuckled.

Ryan made a noise at the back of his throat and Kassie glanced up with a grin.

“Let that be a lesson to you. I need more photos,” she teased him.

While they were talking, my whole world was falling apart. Piper had gotten some fucking photos from some fucking guy. I knew why.

Piper kissed me and immediately knew it wasn’t worth it. Knew I wasn’t worth it. My mind raced a million miles a minute, coming up with the worst possibilities. Who the fuck was texting Piper? Who would Piper have texted after she found out she wouldn’t want to kiss me ever again?


I felt like I was going to throw up.

“Adam? Adam?”

“What?” I turned back, dazed.

Kassie raised her eyebrows. “I asked if I could invite Piper to the movie night? Friday?”

“Uh…sure.” I hoisted up my gym bag and tried not to let the devastation show. Fuck me. I’d do something unspeakable to that KYU player. Burn his jerseys or that stupid tattoo off his arm or some heinous shit. Because he was toying with Piper’s emotions and popping back in like he was wanted. What a fucking asshole.


I snapped up again. “Yeah?”

Kassie threw a glance at everybody else as we crossed towards the dorms. “I said we could pop open the drinks tonight.”

King muttered under his breath.