Page 139 of Playing for Keeps

No messages popped up from Piper and I’d turned my phone on and off three times to see if that did anything. But Piper hadn’t responded. That could’ve meant a lot of things but it could’ve also meant the actual building was on fire, so I couldn’t understand why everyone was trying to stop me for a long conversation.

“We’re going to Gianna’s for some pizza,” Kassie said.

I shoved my stuff in my gym bag. “Okay?”

Zariah appeared from the other corner, another obstacle in my way. “Hey!” She grinned. “Is Piper coming?”

“Piper has a twenty-four-hour shift today.” I scooped up my package from the locker. “She’s not allowed to leave the building. It’s a study thing she’s doing, and I’ve been putting up posters all over the dorm for it.”

“Taking the night off?” King asked, sitting on the bench.

What is with the fucking interrogations?

“Actually, there’s high ceilings, and she wanted some decorations up. I can’t miss that,” I told him, closing the locker.

“Uh…” Kassie laughed. “But ladders exist?”

“No one goes to the athletics events anyway.” Zariah shrugged. “It’ll be short. You can meet us at Gianna’s.”

“I know. That’s the problem,” I said. “They’re putting in all this work, and none of these bastards are showing up.”

No one said anything. And when I glanced back, all my friends were hanging out on the benches or leaning against the lockers, staring at me in surprise. They shared quick looks together, but nobody moved.

A part of my brain reminded me that they were my friends. They were just trying to be my friends. But I couldn’t help the ripple of annoyance pass through me with the knowing looks on their faces. The bunch of nosy assholes were slowing me down.

“Do you know what you sound like right now?” Kassie asked with a sly grin.

“Like a guy who’s late for an event?” I suggested.

Ryan frowned. “Watch the tone, Adam.”

“No, it’s fine.” Kassie stood up and dusted her pants. “Because we’re coming too.”

I watched as she strolled over to the exit. “To the…?”

“To the study session or whatever.”

“Why?” I closed my locker.

“We’re showing support.”

That’s not what I asked for.

I bit back my comment and grumbled under my breath, following after her. The truth was, I wanted them to head to Gianna’s without me. Piper had a full twenty-four hours in the building. We planned on a movie night, just the two of us after her events finished. And now I had to share her time with everybody else.


But what could I say? Nothing. That’s what.

“We have to take all the time we can with Piper.” Zariah giggled from behind me. “I’m pretty sure we’re going to fight for her attention soon, I can just feel it.”

“What are we fighting?” Ryan wondered. “Who are we fighting?”

“From Gray Sweatpants,” Zariah sang.

I’d been zoning in and out of the conversation, trying to figure out the fastest possible way to get to that event so Zariah’s words took a moment to sink in. When they did, my head swiveled so fast on my neck, I popped something.

I stopped mid-walk. “Gray what?”