Page 123 of Playing for Keeps

Piper reached over and confiscated her mother’s phone, shoving it in her pocket. “I’m taking this until after dinner.”

The night turned around and I couldn’t believe my luck. For the first parent’s weekend of my college career, I had a great one. Dinner at Gianna’s, Piper’s stony face when they started talking about her easy bake oven stage, and her parents even had a good laugh when a couple of the families in the restaurant stopped over for my autograph.

It couldn’t have been better.

After dinner, I hung around by the brick wall while she said goodbye to them. They were heading back to the hotel and not great at whispering.

"I like him," her dad told her, shrugging on his coat. "I like this guy a lot."

"Dad. Please."

Her mom made a noise at the back of her throat. "Just promise you’ll use protection."

I hid my grin and pretended to type something on my phone. It took all my focus to act like I wasn’t hanging on to every word.

"No pregnancy scares," her mom said. "Not without your college degree. And—god—not without getting married. Please don’t do that to me."

"Don’t do it to us!" her dad chortled.

I held back the laughter, waiting for Piper’s response. This would be good.

Until I heard the small chime from her phone.

It was something I would never get used to. The text messages coming through and Piper’s automatic flinch. I watched, silent, as Piper reached back to dig her hand in her jacket for a moment, turning it off without looking at it.

My jaw clenched.

She had to turn off her phone to avoid that dickhead.

"I—um—" Piper stopped herself and hugged her parents tight. "I love you. Both of you. And don’t worry about it, I’m his RA. It’s not like that." The pause hung over the air and I stopped pretending to type. "We’re not together."

I glanced back down at my phone, at the black screen.

Piper said her final goodbyes and her parents drove off before I walked over to her. She waved again, up on her tiptoes. She didn’t even notice I slipped my hand in her pocket until I had my fingers around her phone.

"What are you—?"

I turned it back on and waited, holding it out of reach.

"Adam, what’re you doing?"

"I’m getting really fucking tired of him. Passcode." I held it out for her and waited. "Type it in. Passcode."

With a sigh, Piper pressed the buttons.

In a couple of clicks and swipes, I finished and gave it back to her.

She frowned. "What did you do?"

"His texts will come through but you won’t get the notifications." I shrugged. "No vibration, no sound. He can still send stuff but you don’t need to hear about it until you want to."

It was quiet for a moment and she glanced up from her phone at me. "Oh."

"That guy’s annoying as fuck," I muttered, heading off to the dorms at a slow enough pace that I knew she could follow.

"Um…thank you."

I should’ve done it a long time ago but at least she didn’t demand for me to change it back.