Page 118 of Playing for Keeps

“What happened to…uh…?” I snapped my fingers. “Melissa and—?”

“Melody and Bristol?” Tallulah offered. “You rescheduled. Neither of them were able to make it.” She shifted uncomfortably and brought out a thick, green notebook with five questions written on the paper.

Five questions?

I glanced back at Piper’s table. They were in deep conversation. I grimaced and returned to the interview.

“So…um…what do you hope to…do here?” Tallulah asked, barely able to rise above a mumble.

“Do?” I frowned. “With what? The interview or football?”


“Yes? Well…I’ve been on the team for almost three years…”

“I’m sorry,” she hurried to say. “This is my first real interview. I haven't ever met an actual D1 athlete like this before. I’m so nervous.” Tallulah took a deep breath and clutched her notebook. “I think they’re doing this because I botched the car crash story. They told me that you wouldn’t care if I didn’t have big boobs. I tried putting toilet paper in my shirt—”

I stared at her, dumbfounded. “They said what?”

“My editor told me that’s why they always schedule you with Melody and Bristol, it’s the only way to keep your attention. Otherwise, you just zone out. But—I really want this to work. I’m sorry. The toilet paper fell out!”

What the fuck?

All the embarrassment I felt earlier was gone, replaced with irritation. What did the newspaper staff get by scaring freshmen writers?

I didn’t demand any of my interviewers to have big tits. That was fucking ridiculous. But the longer I sat there, the more I thought about the last thirty or so interviews before we won the Birchwood Bowl last semester. All those girls definitely had two things in common.

Holy shit.

Was that how people saw me? Was that how my team saw me?

Is that how Piper sees me?

I sat up in my seat and tapped the notebook. “Pull out your phone.”

“My—my phone—?”

“Yeah. You need to record this, that’s the first step. You don’t want to miss anything.” I brought out my phone too and started pulling up the stats from the Birchwood Bowl and the highlights from spring training. “We’re going to talk about Coach Lawson’s tenure here, we’re going to talk about the punch at last year’s KYU game, how our sponsorships are doing, and what I think about the draft.”

Tallulah blinked at me.

“Pull up your recording app,” I urged her. “Let’s go, we’re doing an interview.”

“Um…okay.” Tallulah placed her phone on the table, but I stopped her from pressing play.

“I’ll write down the questions, you ask them. If I need you to prompt me with something else, I’ll type it on my phone and you say it. We’re going to show these fuckheads up, okay? This is going to be a great interview.”

Tallulah was quiet.

“Are you ready? Is there something you want to ask that gets good traction?”

She hesitated between scribbling notes. “Um…you’re…not like how they said you are.”

My eyes flickered back to Piper, sitting at the table, with her blonde hair swept over her shoulders. A wide smile played on her lips. The moment I left, they were having a good time.

But Piper had to deal with this interview and I knew she’d ask me about it. I’d make sure it was a good one for her.

“I’ve had a pretty good teacher,” I said softly.