Page 116 of Playing for Keeps

potential sperm donor: haha

potential sperm donor: forgot about that

Crossing the hallway, I rolled my eyes. Another prank from Adam, of course. He’ll get what’s coming to him.

June, Zariah, and I had finished the pregnancy notice envelope, I just needed to slip it into his room. We’d see who laughed then.



Two Things In Common

The ties in Ryan’s closet weren’t exactly what I needed. I had to raid King’s before I found the right one. No ready-to-made suit, no clip-on tie, no sneakers. I brought out my dark blue custom suit for a canceled banquet last year and mentally thanked Coach Lawson for forcing us to learn how to tie ties. I looked presentable as hell.

“Here we go,” I muttered, pulling open the door to Gianna’s.

The place was packed. It was parents’ weekend, I wasn’t sure what I’d been expecting. Usually during those weekends, I just partied off-campus. This was my first one staying at Marrs. Every table was crammed full of loud families. I scanned the restaurant when a voice interrupted me.

“Did you call for—oh. Adam.” Sloane smiled at me, wearing a black turtleneck. “Your table’s right over here.”

I nodded, still searching overhead. “Hey, Sloane. Don’t worry, if Elijah comes, I’m here to kick him out.”

Sloane mumbled something under her breath and brought me to one of the tables by the window. It was in full view of everybody else, just how they wanted it, but I stopped by the chair when I spotted what I’d been looking for.

Those are definitely Piper’s parents.

I grabbed Sloane’s attention and told her I’d hang out by the bar till the interviewer showed up. It was just an excuse. I couldn’t give less of a shit about the interview. It wasn’t like it was a professional one. My interview was with the newspaper at Marrs. Student-run.

On the scale of important shit, it was dead last.

Making a good impression on Piper’s parents though was at the top.

Adjusting my suit, I took a casual stroll to their table.

“Hey.” I grinned at both of them. “I’m Adam.”

Piper’s mom gave me a quick glance. “Oh, we’re already being served. Thank you though.”

What the hell?

I paused for a moment, completely taken aback.

Does she think I’m a waiter?

Clearly, they didn’t recognize me yet. But they would know the name.

“No, I’m Adam Russell.” I was careful to keep my voice quiet, there were already families glancing up at their tables to look at me, I didn’t need a swarm for autographs when people built the courage to walk up to me. “Here for an interview. Just wanted to know if you two wanted an autograph. Or a picture? Big Romans fans?”

Piper’s parents stared blankly at me.


Nobody had ever looked as confused as the middle age couple from Oklahoma.

“Adam?” a familiar voice squeaked. Piper hurried up to the table in disbelief. “What…what are you—?”

“Do you know this guy, kiddo?” her dad asked with a frown.