Page 111 of Playing for Keeps

The door decoration was a pair of swimming goggles for a guy on our floor. The goggles weren’t an easy shape to work with though. I had to keep ripping the tape into pieces and some of it layered over each other. I frowned, tearing off another piece.

“God—fucking—shit—” I cursed, sticking another thing of tape over. “Shit—piss—fuck—”

The door next to me slowly opened and Hebe Santos, one of the D1 soccer players, stuck his head out. “Uh…Adam?”

“Hey.” I nodded to him and moved on to his door, fishing out the Hebe soccer ball from the pile. Fuck my life, it was another hard shape. I shifted my arms around him and pressed it to the door, layering the tape on the soccer ball, about as successfully as the last door decoration was.

Last semester at Gianna’s, I laughed at Ryan for over-taping a present for Kassie. I should’ve had sympathy for him. This was a fucking shitshow.

Hebe blinked at me. “What’re you…doing…?”

“Solving math equations, Einstein,” I snapped. “What does it look like I’m doing?”

The whole point of me putting up the door decorations was a gift to Piper. If she found out that I was doing that and belittling everyone on the floor in the same breath, she’d get pissed off. I ripped off another piece of tape and sighed.

“Sorry. I’m putting up door decorations for the hall.”

“Am I still asleep?” Hebe asked with a chuckle. “Dude, you’re the Marrs Manwhore. Why are you putting glitter crap on my door?”

The door to the right opened and Beau Sheehan stuck his head out. I glanced over just quick enough to see him slipping a finger under the swimming goggles in the inch amount of space that wasn’t tacked to the door.

“If you rip that off, I’ll break your fingers,” I threatened.

Beau froze in place.

“You’re on the swim team, Beau, but you sneak into the football gyms to pick up cheerleaders,” I snapped. “If you think for one goddamn second I won’t tell security to throw your ass out, you’re fucked in the head. Don’t touch the goggles.”

He released the goggles.

I nodded. “Good. Put your hand down.”

Slowly, he put his hand down and closed the door. I resumed whistling under my breath, walking to the next door on the list.

“Adam, dude, are you okay?” Hebe called after me. “Like…mentally?”

“I’m perfect. Just don’t touch the door decorations.”

“Wasn’t dreaming of it.” Hebe rested against the doorframe watching me. “This is…different. I used to go to your Friday parties all the time. What happened to those?”

Holding up a bowling ball decoration for one of the girls on our floor, I tore off more tape. “The parties are on hiatus.”

“How long is that hiatus?”

I didn’t respond, just continued putting up door decorations. I hadn’t thrown a party since the one had cost sixteen thousand dollars in maintenance damages. Which was kind of weird. Maybe more than kind of weird. But honestly, I forgot all about them. My schedule was busier than ever, and I didn’t have the minutes to think about parties, much less put one together.

And I couldn’t find it in myself to really give a shit.

I didn’t feel like I’d lost anything in particular.

Finally, at the last door decoration, the door down the hall opened and I grinned and strolled back to the elevator bank. Piper stepped out of her room in jeans and a hoodie looking gorgeous, especially with her hair cascading down her back, bright sunshine in the morning. I pushed open my door, to grab the coffee off the table.

“Caramel nonfat latte?” I held it out for her. “I got up early.”

Her eyes widened. “Oh…uh…”

“And look at this shit!” I gestured off to the line of doors around us. “The doors? See?” I surveyed the scene. “Man, the decorating shit is harder than I thought.”

Piper slowly glanced up from her coffee and did a double take at the doors. “Oh. Um…thank you, Adam. Did you…laminate them?”