Page 110 of Playing for Keeps

The moment Zariah heard the plan, she was on my side. I couldn’t keep the smile off my face. This was the kind of college experience I’d been looking for. Not just the bars or the parties. This.

We made our way to the rail station where I could see a Marrs hoodie and the reddish-brown hair poking out.

I should’ve texted him again, to remind him not to freak out, but I couldn’t now, with us walking so close.

Adam, please, don’t make a scene.

Please, please, please.

Adam turned back around once he heard us and it took me a second to realize what was in his hands. A bouquet of flowers?

“June, honey!” Adam belted out. “Goddamn, look at you! Looking fine as fuck!”

Oh my god, Adam.

He strode forward and passed her the bouquet. “Cut the hair, cut the dead weight. June Basil is leveling-up to be a motherfucking heartbreaker.”

June rolled her eyes, but she smacked him with the flowers. “Uh-huh.”

“Make him eat his heart out. I know that’s right.” Adam reached over and mussed her hair. My mouth fell open, but June just laughed and ducked her head, stepping away from him. Her grin widened. He was doing it, making her feel better in the most Adam way possible.

I blinked at both of them.

“Adam, I cut this off with kitchen scissors,” June admitted.

“Don’t say it so loud or everybody’s going to be doing it.” Adam shushed her. “Industry secrets need to be kept quiet. And look. Train’s coming, I’ll protect you girls, don’t worry. I’ll beat back the swarm.”

June smiled and when the train’s doors opened, we filed in and took our seats in the back.

Adam was so effortlessly cool, but I knew better. He purposely went out for the flowers after the gym. He did the most to make a friend happy.

It wasn’t like he’d sent a gym photo, but my heart beat just the same.

He can be so sweet.

Our stop to the green line came and Adam strolled off the platform with those long legs of his. I hurried after him while Zariah and June chatted behind us.

“Adam?” I didn’t know what to say. I bit my lip. “Thank you.”

He threw a grin my way. “For what?”

“For…” I nodded back toward June.

“That’s just what we do around here for our own, ice princess.” He shrugged. “No worries.”



You’re The Marrs Manwhore

For the first time in a long time, I didn’t wait for the sounds of Piper’s music through the walls as I ate my breakfast. It was the rare Saturday without practice and I had things to do. Whistling under my breath, I took the door decorations I swiped from Piper’s room and the rolls of tape. My grades were up, and I had Piper to thank for that. This would be my thank you.

It was a hell of a lot fucking harder than I thought.

“What the fuck?” I muttered, peeling off another thing of tape, trying to flip it like she did. The door decoration just ended in more jumbled tape. I threw another shit mess of tape into the trash can again. “Fuck.”

How much tape does it need?