Page 107 of Playing for Keeps

Everybody started pulling out their phones to sign up when another text popped up.

a-dam fine man: crawfish boil this weekend with the guys

My fingers stilled on the keys, but I bypassed his message and scanned through the volunteer shifts.

“What are you guys doing?” I whispered out of the corner of my mouth.

“Bull-riding assistant,” Zariah instantly said, clicking on her phone. “All the rodeo guys are hot. I’ll ride one of those bulls.”

June sighed. “I can’t volunteer, I work the whole thing. You should do the petting zoo though, it’s a lot of baby animals and cute kids.”

“No hot cowboys at the petting zoo,” Zariah pointed out.

“There’s a drawback to everything,” I teased. “I guess I have to grin and bear it.”

“More hot cowboys for me.”

I giggled and the presenter continued once everyone signed up for their shifts. But I didn’t put away my phone. Adam’s text disappeared, but it was still in the back of my mind.

This upcoming weekend was parents’ weekend. And mine were super excited about it. My dad had called me the day before to figure out what he was supposed to back from home, my favorite snacks, a few other blankets, and pictures from the family. But the thing was, telling Adam hadn’t…happened yet.

I started typing and deleted it.

Okay. What do I say?

My parents weren’t on social media. They had no idea about any of this, especially Adam himself. Half of me was scared about what my parents would say about Adam. The other half wondered why I was scared.

I typed up another message to Adam and backspaced again while June went to the front of the room to give her part of the PowerPoint presentation.

Oh my god. Why am I freaking out about this?

“Who are you texting?” Zariah whispered next to me and I fumbled with my phone.

“Nobody,” I blurted out.

Leaning forward with her eyebrows raised as far as they could, Zariah gave me the longest look in the world. The kind of look that cracked people under pressure. And I was a plushie stuffed animal, not up to the task. She shifted forward, still staring hard, trying to get me to break, and it was so hard not to give in.

Why can’t I just tell her it’s Adam?

A wicked grin tugged up on Zariah’s lips. “Oh, I see.”

No. Please don’t see.

“And we have Zariah Contractor to help talk about outreach,” June announced.

Zariah’s grin disappeared, and she threw a suggestive glance my way before getting up to take her place by the projector.

I breathed out a sigh of relief. Finally, I could text Adam back and end the conversation. I needed to focus on the meeting.

Piper Fontaine: You’re texting a lot for someone who should be doing homework.

Okay. Done. Pointed message sent.

a-dam fine man: listening to a textbook at the gym

I rolled my eyes.

Piper Fontaine: Sure.