Page 104 of Playing for Keeps

Ryan wasn’t telling me so we could laugh about it together. My captain was telling me in no uncertain terms that he had my back. That he didn’t think about any other option, he didn’t hesitate to say no.

It was more than jealousy that hit me. I was grateful that Ryan did it for me and I was angry that he needed to, and I was weirdly pleased because I knew our old coach probably lost his cool over it. Yet all I wanted to do was go back to the table with Piper. All I wanted was to hunker down with the only person I wanted to spend the rest of my day with.

“I’m sorry, man,” Ryan said and I held up a hand.

“Don’t worry, captain. Boss. Boss captain.” I managed a grin. “Come on, man. Brothers, right? I appreciate it.”

“Are you…?”

“Yeah, you know me.” I popped open the door and held it open for Kassie to come back inside. “Fucking killing it. Nothing stops the Marrs Manwhore.”

Ryan hesitated, but he nodded just the same and before he could give me any more emotional crap, I closed the door just as quickly and strode around the tables, back to our table. Back to the only person in the world that I liked spending time with who didn’t sidestep me when they were talking about certain shit.

Piper pushed out my chair for me. “What was that about?”

I’d rather get a daily kidney stone for the rest of my life than have you find out.

“Same old shit.” I plastered a grin on my face, quickly piecing together the lie. “Ryan’s birthday is at the end of the semester and they said no to naked girls jumping out of a cake. Can you believe that?”

She giggled. “And you thought that would…work?”

“Thought is a strong word.”


I gave her a thumbs-up. “There we go, ice princess. You nailed it.”

Piper grinned but went back to coloring in the door decorations and I slipped her headphones over my ears, turning back to the chapter. Now that she knew how much I had to get done, I needed to get on it. And while I typed up the next line of notes for the assignment, I knew one thing for certain.

My RA would never know. I didn’t give a shit about the sympathy speeches from everybody else but she was the last person in the world that I wanted pity from. I’d do anything to keep her from finding out what happened.



The Chillest Dude You Know

The resident assistant meetings were revving up. Zariah and I headed to our next one, where we’d talk about the Marrs’s rodeo and exactly what our duties would be. Just like all the other meetings, about safety checks or the dangers of fairy lights or and how we could keep the litter off the floor, I was sure this wouldn’t be a riveting presentation.

My phone buzzed in my pocket. At first, I thought it was Thomas again, his third message of the day, but I snickered when I saw the name pop up.

a-dam fine man: whens your meeting done

a-dam fine man: I’m bored already

a-dam fine man: fix this

I quickly typed up a response.

Piper Fontaine: Did you change your name on my phone?

a-dam fine man: that was probably you

a-dam fine man: you just subconsciously changed it you just forogt

a-dam fine man: forgot

a-dam fine man: whens your meeting done