Page 102 of Playing for Keeps

I shook my head. "Nobody important."

"Who sent this?" As soon as he asked the question, his face cleared. "Thomas."

I shifted uncomfortably.

"Why would he send this to you?"

"I don’t know. I have no idea." I pulled my phone away from his grasp and powered it off, what I should’ve done in the beginning. "Maybe it makes him feel better? I don’t know."

Adam took a deep breath. "How often does he send those?"

My eyes flickered up to his and I resumed coloring in my door decorations.


“Yeah?” I said, my voice quiet.

“This is why you turn your phone off all the time. This is why you leave it in your dorm.” Both things were said as flat statements and Adam took a deeper breath. I had the weirdest feeling he was trying to remain calm. “Piper, this is….fucking insane."

It was past the point of me being mystified by the text messages. They were just a part of my day that ruined my day. Simple as that.

“It doesn’t matter,” I mumbled.

"I’m going to call him."

"No—" My marker skidded across the paper and drew a faint line over the table. "Don’t. If you call him, he’ll freak out. And I don’t want to talk to him."

"Why don’t you block him?" Adam asked incredulously.

"Some of my stuff is still at his place," I admitted, my voice small. "Postcards from my parents." My cheeks turned pink. "Some of my old stuffed animals. And—"

"I’ll drive you to go get it." His jaw tightened. “No. I’ll go myself.”

I flinched. There was no way Adam was Thomas’s favorite person after all the phone calls when Cleo tagged me on Adam’s page. Even if they used to party together, I knew them meeting up now wouldn’t be pleasant. "No. Just ignore it. It doesn’t matter."

"Doesn’t matter?"

I almost said something else but the sight of Kassie, walking along the tables, stopped me entirely. I breathed out in relief. She was clearly heading our way, the perfect distraction.



The Last Person In The World I Want Pity From

Something touched my back and I jerked up, whipping around to see Kassie.


"Hey, we’re talking about something right now," I told her, as quietly as I could, but out of the corner of my eye, I could see Piper shake her head.

"No, we’re not."

If anything, I could use Kassie’s advice. How was I supposed to convince Piper that I could retrieve her stuff? By force or without, it really didn’t matter to me. Thomas had it coming to him.

But the expression on Kassie’s face made me stop my question. She had a pained look like a nerve had been pinched and she couldn’t do anything about it. Quickly, she shook her head. "Adam? Can I grab you?"

"What is it?" I asked but with a look beyond her, I saw Ryan in one of the private rooms, with his arms folded over his chest, facing the wall.