Page 73 of Deadliest Throne

He snorts out a laugh. "Fuck no. There are about five guys watching the house right now. But we don't want one of them bringing you here, so Q is coming to grab you."

“Okay,” I say slowly. “But why is everyone already there? Why didn’t you wake me up so we could all go together.”

I refuse to spend all my time here. After being locked up in this damn house for too long in the past, I've made the guys take me and the kids to the warehouse every time they went. And with the apartment there, they had places to sleep when it was time for their naps. Not that it mattered, they would sleep in anyone's arms and right through all the noise. Every one of the crew members is obsessed with them. I can't blame them, my babies are fucking adorable.

“Everything will make sense soon, Little Mouse. Be a good girl and do as you’re told,” he responds in a teasing tone.

“You know what, fuck it. I have no idea what's going on with the lot of you, but I’ll play your game,” I sigh, sounding like it’s an inconvenience, but I find myself a little excited.

“Good girl,” he says. “I love you.”

“I love you too.” Hanging up, I head into the kitchen and grab my pumping gear. I hook myself up like I’m a damn human cow, then grab some stuff to make something to eat.

By the time I have everything put away, Quinton is walking into the house.

“Hey, Stalker Boy,” I greet him, which he returns with a small grin.

“Hello, my Chiaro di luna.” He pulls me into his arms and kisses my forehead. “Ready?”

“I guess. I don’t even know what's going on.”

“You will soon.”

“IS THAT MY MOM'S CAR?” I ask, brows furrowed.

“Yes,” is all Quinton says as he gets out, making his way around the car to open my door. I take his outstretched hand, and he pulls me out and onto my feet.

“You're being awfully vague.” I narrow my eyes at him. All he does is chuckle. “Okay, I’ll keep playing your little game. I just swear it better not be anything bad.”

“Not bad, Chiaro di luna.”

Sighing, I follow him into the office of the workshop. “Ahhhh. Hi?” I say, looking at the group of women gathered here. “What the hell are you all doing here?”

They have matching giddy smiles on their faces, causing my guard to skyrocket. “Come, sit,” Andy urges, pulling out a chair.

“Is this some kind of intervention? Because trust me, no matter what you say or do, it’s not going to get me to change my mind about the guys. We’re together until death and beyond, and all that shit.”

“No.” Andy laughs. “Just sit.”

“Who are they?” I ask, raising a brow at the girls.

“They are here to do your hair and makeup, then they will be leaving.”

“What?” My eyes swing to Andy’s. “Why the hell am I getting—”

“Stop asking questions and sit,” Andy states strongly.

I don’t argue and sit down, confused as hell. “Quinton, what's going on?”

“He’s gone,” Andy tells me as the girls start doing whatever they're here to do.

Closing my eyes, I grumble to myself about how crazy everyone in my life is.

Andy tries to distract me by talking about this new girlfriend of hers. Her name is Lacy, and we’ve met a few times. She’s the complete opposite of Andy, but the way the two of them are together warms my heart.

“All done!” one of the girls chirps. I just realized that no one has introduced themselves to me. Guess it doesn’t matter because they’re packed up and leaving minutes after.

“Fuck,” Andy breathes. “Girl, you look so damn good.”